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  • TechRevolution study visit to Finland

    ‘Communities that play together stay together’

    Some reflections from Alison Patridge, Lead Expert, on the URBACT TechRevolution 2.0. network’s study visit to Helsinki, Espoo and Tampere in Finland.


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  • Miestna agitácia za mesto priateľské k cyklistike: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Solún (Grécko)

    V meste Solún, ktoré čelí silnému znečisteniu spôsobenému nadmernou závislosťou od automobilov, sa zaviazali proaktívne podporovať cyklistiku a prostredníctvom siete URBACT RESILIENT EUROPE vypracovali svoj vôbec prvý strategický rámec na zvýšenie cyklistiky v meste.

    Matus Zak

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  • 2022 Excellence in Placemaking Awards

    Submissions for the 2022 ULI Ireland Excellence In Placemaking Awards supported by CBRE are now being received.

    Karl Murphy

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  • Svini Eiropas sadarbības dienu kopā ar Interreg Latvija!

    Vasara jānoslēdz esot čaklam, kā ierasts, tāpēc tiekamies talkā!

    27. augustā pl.14.00 notiks talka, kurai starts tiks dots Ghetto Games(link is external) parkā, Grīziņkalnā.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Urban Agenda for the EU

    Call for Partners: Urban Agenda for the EU Partnerships on Greening Cities and Sustainable Tourism

    Call for Cities, Member States, Partner States, Regions, city consortiums, national city umbrella organisations, and other stakeholders to form two new Thematic Partnerships under the Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU): Sustainable Tourism and Greening Cities

    Karl Murphy

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  • An URBACT Local Group in action

    Wie können lokale Gruppen nach dem Ende von URBACT-Projekten weitermachen?

    URBACT-Expert:innen stellen drei Strategien vor, mit denen Städte und Gemeinden die durch URBACT angestoßeneBeteiligung lokaler Akteur:innen durch die URBACT Local Group  verstetigen können.


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