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  • How EU cities can localise SDGs through integrated action planning

    Global Goals For Cities Lead Expert Stina Heikkila shows URBACT cities taking steps to link local and global sustainability goals.

    Stina Heikkila

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  • UTM capacity building meeting in Paris

    Capacity building and URBACT Method: updates from the Paris meeting

    The first meeting in person after 2 years of pandemic has been a very powerful tool to empower URBACT Transfer Mechanism pilots. Next Agri partners met in Paris at the URBACT capacity building meeting with the aim of exchanging experiences and estate of the art of the project


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  • 12 URBACT lessons learnt on CSR

    The CSR local legacies: New Understandings, Practices and Relationships to Build From

    As URBACT Action Planning Networks conclude their work after three eventful years, it is time to take stock. In this last article, Lead Expert Dr. Steffen Wetzstein assesses local impact and improvements across our ten CITIES4CSR partner cities.

    Steffen Wetzstein

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  • URBACT at the WUF11_COVER

    URBACT brings Gender Equal Cities to WUF11

    Present at the 11th World Urban Forum, URBACT has left its mark on how cities can be better planned for all. 


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  • Vilawatt Info Point in Viladecans (ES)

    Les Sérésiens mobilisés pour la transition énergétique

    Seraing poursuit depuis plusieurs années une trajectoire de redéploiement économique dessinée par un Master Plan élaboré en 2005. La régie Communale Autonome « Eriges » est créée, dès l’année suivante, pour mettre en œuvre cette stratégie. Parmi ses principales missions : la rénovation immobilière et urbaine des quartiers prioritaires les plus impactés par la disparition de la sidérurgie.

    Fabian Massart

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  • An URBACT Local Group in action

    Cum pot supraviețui grupurile locale după finalizarea proiectelor URBACT?

    Experții URBACT prezintă trei strategii prin care orașele și localitățile pot să se asigure că participarea locală declanșată de Programul URBACT continuă să prospere.

    Mihaela Florea

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