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  • Vous êtes attendus au City Festival URBACT 2022 !

    Demandez votre place pour LE Festival dédié aux villes de l'UE. Celui-ci aura lieu du 14 au 16 juin, dans le Grand Paris. Cette fois, en présentiel - et neutre en carbone...

    Fabian Massart

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  • Focus on Toulouse Métropole (FR): Who are the homeless in our city? How many are they?

    Friday night, 21st January 2022. The coldest night of the week. Well equipped with several warm layers of clothes, socks, gloves, scarf and cap, I am ready to meet my new team and to discover my new urban itinerary for the homeless street count.

    Hannelore Bonami

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  • Consolidarea identității de brand a 8 orașe URBACT

    Rețeaua Find Your Greatness sprijină 8 orașe în activitățile lor pentru a-și defini poziția de brand și pentru a-și comunica mesajele strategice ale mărcii. Acest lucru a devenit și mai important în vremea pandemiei de Covid-19, unde atracțiile și avantajele orașelor trebuiau prezentate cetățenilor, investitorilor, întreprinderilor și vizitatorilor.

    Irina Panait

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  • How virtual hackathon draw Pärnu closer together

    Pärnu is well known as summer tourism attraction: city center with its lovely parks and the resort area with its famous sandy beach and promenade invite tourists for long walks. You can spot remnants of distant Middle Ages, the elegant early years of the resort, the unforgettable Soviet era and the fast-paced modern development.

    Sonia Files

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  • URBACT Pilsētu Festivāls norisināsies no 14. līdz 16. jūnijam Parīzē – piesaki savu dalību līdz 11. aprīlim!

    URBACT Pilsētu Festivāls ir atgriezies! Šogad tas norisināsies no 14. līdz 16. jūnijam klātienē – skaistajā Parīzē. Aicinām līdz 11. aprīlim reģistrēt savu klātienes dalību!

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • SDG Story: Glasgow

    Glasgow’s Vision for 2030

    Karin Luhaäär

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