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Check URBACT's latest stories, updates and events!


  • Minibus of Joy in Grosuplje

    On Saturday, 12th of March Minibus of Joy visited the Municipality of Grosuplje for the first time.


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  • Grand lancement pour l’URBACT City festival

    Demandez votre place au Festival des villes de l'UE, du 14 au 16 juin, Grand Paris. Cette fois, en personne – et neutre en carbone…

    Mathieu Copere

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  • Заповядайте на Фестивала на градовете по Програма УРБАКТ 2022!

    Заявете своевременно участие на Фестивала, 14-16 юни, Голям Париж. Този път – присъствено и … въглеродно-неутрално


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  • Творческа бюрокрация

    Творческата бюрокрация не е оксиморон


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  • Vegyél részt a 2022-es URBACT Városfesztiválon!

    Az URBACT Városfesztivál Párizs mellett, Pantinban lesz június 14-16-án, ezúttal személyesen - és szén-dioxid semlegesen...


    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Smart cities, innovation and gender equality

    How is smart cities, innovation and technological development connected to gender equality? What are the critical questions we have to ask ourselves?


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