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  • Transferencia de buenas prácticas - ¿Por qué no en mi ciudad?

    En "Transferencia de buenas prácticas - ¿Por qué no en mi ciudad?" se comparten las historias positivas de 23 ciudades que transfirieron y adaptaron las buenas prácticas urbanas a sus contextos locales al tiempo que aprendían de sus análogas de la UE en la primera ronda de redes de transferencia de URBACT III (URBACT III Transfer Networks).

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • The chart of the smart cities in Romania still has the same leader: Alba Iulia

    MAPPING OF SMART CITIES, SMART COUNTIES AND SMART VILLAGES IN ROMANIA IN 2021 – 860 PROJECTS IN 124 CITIES. This is an article written by Cornel Barbut, and published firstly on the Vegacomp Consulting website, and the in Romanian press. The present work talks about the state of the smart cities in Romania, Alba Iulia still being on the first place within this edition radiography. 

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Az idei URBACT Városfesztivál lefontosabb üzenetei - a városi Jó Gyakorlatok átadásával kapcsolatos tapasztalatok, eredmények megünneplése

    23 URBACT városhálózaton keresztül oszthatják meg tapasztalataikat az európai városok – ezt ünnepli az URBACT Városfesztivál. A 2021. július 15-17-e között megrendezett eseményt most először tartották online térben, a rendezvény összefoglalója itt olvasható
    De mi nyerte el leginkább a szervezők és a több, mint 860 résztvevő tetszését, illetve milyen tapasztalatokkal gazdagodtak? Erről beszélgettünk néhányukkal.

    Tímea Jaschitzné Cserni

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  • Copying neighbours: Lessons of BioCanteens Transfer Network

    BioCanteens is one of the 23 URBACT Transfer Networks engaged in a form of “action-research” to transfer Mouans-Sartoux's sustainable food project to 6 other European cities. After three years of hard work, you will find in this publication a detailed presentation of this project's innovative work methodology, its main results on the ground and key learning points.

    Nathan Begoc

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  • Future Agencies - the ALT/BAU offspring

    The famous ALT/BAU babies are not the only offspring of the ALT/BAU Transfer Network. In the ALT/BAU network, the aim was to transfer the URBACT Good Practice from Chemnitz - the Housing Agency for shrinking cities- to the network partner cities and to adapt its methods to the local conditions. Along the way, our partners in Riga and Turin came to the realization that setting up an agency as such was not way to go in their contexts. But four partners founded or are founding an agency similar to the one in Chemnitz. Here the transfer becomes really tangible.


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  • Meet the partners: interview with Tadej Žurman

    [[{"fid":"45099","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Tadej Žurman","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Tadej Žurman","field_author[und][0][value]":"Nusa Lazar"},"link_text":null,"type":"media","field_deltas":{"2":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Tadej Žurman","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"Tadej Žurman","field_author[und][0][value]":"Nusa Lazar"}},"attributes":{"alt":"Tadej Žurman","title":"Tadej Žurman","height":315,"width":315,"style":"margin: 10px; float: right; height: 100px; width: 100px;","class":"media-element file-default","data-delta":"2"}}]]Nigrad d.o.o. Maribor participates in the URGE project as the only industrial partner and with its practical insight has an important contribution to the network, which otherwise consists of city and regional administrations. By participating in the URBACT network Nigrad d.o.o. complements its other activities in other European projects, where they develop solutions for the processing of construction waste. Locally, Nigrad d.o.o. wants to contribute with its work to a deeper understanding of the circular economy and its promotion in construction and thus upgrades the intensive work of the city of Maribor in the field of the circular economy.

    An important partner in the field of circular economy activities for Nigrad is also Mr Tadej Žurman, who is also an ULG member. Mr. Žurman, otherwise a lawyer, is acting as project coordinator and has successfully prepared and participated in several EU-funded circular economy projects.


    City of Utrecht

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