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  • Un eveniment special din anul 2024: Campusul URBACT în România, 15 – 16 octombrie, Iași


    Unul dintre cele mai frumoase momente din acest an a fost reprezentat de Campusul Național URBACT, organizat la Iași pe 15 și 16 octombrie de către Punctul Național URBACT în România. Evenimentul a adunat reprezentanți din 19 orașe românești selectate în primul apel de Rețele de Planificare a Acțiunilor pentru a învăța și culege din noțiuni și cunoștințe specifice programului URBACT, sub îndrumarea experților Irina-Alexandra Panait și Sabina Reichert.


    Simona Arghire

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  • Testing of public grounds in Lehza

    The Municipality of Lezha - within the framework of the Re - Gen project and the National Youth Day - started the first testing of sports activities on public spaces that can be turned into outdoor and indoor sports fields.


    During this day, children and youth from different schools in Lezha were engaged in various sports games such as ping-pong, volleyball, basketball, sports dance and chess.


    At this stage of the project, the Municipality of Lezha aims to empower youth through sports activities, improving infrastructure and sports clubs, and encouraging active participation of youth in decision-making processes.


    One of the goals of the project is to create opportunities for talent development and encourage youth engagement in positive activities, strengthening ties between the community and the local institution.

    Municipality of Lezha, Albania.



    Desiree Zucchi

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  • Pula ULG Wraps Up the Year

    With a Vision for Vallelunga.

    Zoltán Szenes

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    In the period 18-20.11.2024 Kazanlak municipality hosted the National Workshop under the URBACT Programme. 

    Representatives of the municipalities of Vratsa, Varna, Dobrich, Gabrovo, Razlog, Stolichna and Kazanlak exchanged experiences and worked together through a series of truly interactive modules on the finalization of joint action plans - the final result of the municipalities' participation in the interesting European networks BiodiverCity, Cities after dark, CSG, Re-Gen, Metacity, S.M.ALL, Archethics.

    András Merza

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  • Prebujanje noči: spreminjanje mestnih središč ponoči

    Sprehod po mestnem središču ponoči je lahko precej nepričakovana izkušnja. Po mraku oživijo različne storitve in dejavnosti, od odvoza odpadkov do dostave blaga v trgovine, ki izkoristijo tihe ure za pripravo na prodajo. Le nekaj ulic stran glasba uhaja iz barov in se meša z živahnim pogovorom na polnih terasah. Vendar pa več dejavnikov vpliva na živahnost mestnih središč ponoči. Brez dvoma se z največjimi izzivi nočnega gospodarstva soočajo mestna središča.


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  • Ši

    Šibenik - poželjno mjesto za život i razvoj karijere

    U četvrtak, 5. prosinca, na Tehničkom veleučilištu u Zagrebu (TVZ), zagrebačkim studentima predstavljen je Šibenik kao grad koji nudi ravnotežu između poslovnog i privatnog uz sve blagodati mediteranskog načina života. Predstavljanje je organizirano u sklopu aktivnosti URBACT mreže Residents of the Future u kojoj je Grad Šibenik vodeći partner, a koja se bavi izazovima depopulacije i gubitka stanovništva u malim gradovima.

    Lucija Jusup

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