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  • 249 Good Practices submitted under URBACT’s call for Good Practices

    249 príkladov dobrej praxe predložených v rámci výzvy URBACT!

    Až 184 miest využilo príležitosť podeliť sa o dobrú prax v nádeji, že získajú značku URBACT Good Practice.

    Veronika Čevelová

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  • 10 Reasons Why…. Cities Should Interpret Their Spend Analysis

    At the second Transnational Meeting of the Making Spend Matter Network held in Kavala in June 2019, our partners shared how they have used the Spend Analysis Methodology to understand the procurement spend of their own Municipalities by geography, by sector, and in business type terms.



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  • 249 Good Practices submitted under URBACT’s call for Good Practices

    249 Good Practices submitted under URBACT’s call!

    184 cities took up the opportunity to share what they do well in the hope of receiving the URBACT Good Practice label. 


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  • Co je nového u měst v sítích Action Planning Networks?

    Jakými tématy se všech 30 sítí měst Action Planning Networks zabývá a co se v jejich projektech aktuálně děje?

    Markéta Horská

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  • EcoCore Core Network Meeting in Pärnu: Leveraging Innovation Ecosystem to Drive Regional Development and Harness Green Transition Opportunities

    The picturesque city of Pärnu recently played host to the EcoCore network's transnational meeting and city learning visit which tool place on 21st and 22nd May 2024.  The event brought together key stakeholders from across EcoCore partner regions to discuss sustainable development, regional cooperation, and digital innovation. The agenda was packed with insightful presentations, workshops, and site visits, providing a comprehensive overview of Pärnu’s strategies and challenges in becoming a model of regional sustainability and digital excellence. Here's a summary of the highlights and key takeaways from the two-day event.


    Eileen Crowley

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  • URBACT heeft jou nodig!

    Inspelen op de behoeften van steden staat centraal in het URBACT-programma. In een raadplegingsproces dat loopt tot 31 juli worden de behoeften van steden voor de volgende financieringsronde verzameld. Mis uw kans om bij te dragen niet.

    Fabian Massart

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