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  • Stärkung der Resilienz in kleinen, touristisch geprägten Städten in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie

    URBACT hilft kleineren Städten, die vom Tourismus abhängig sind, dabei, ihre Zukunft nach Covid-19 neu zu gestalten.

    Heike Mages

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  • Uma masterclass virtual para refletir sobre as comunidades online em tempos de Covid 19

    Neste período difícil, os trabalhadores precisam de colocar muitas questões sobre como gerir as dinâmicas profissionais, as quais até agora eram consideradas óbvias. Entre elas estão as dinâmicas que regem a sociabilidade: a dificuldade e, em muitos casos, a impossibilidade de se reunirem fisicamente obriga a procurar uma solução para manter as comunidades ativas (e talvez para criar novas), especialmente através das tecnologias digitais

    Ana Resende

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  • Přístup k přírodě ve městech zlepšuje zdraví a zvyšuje blahobyt

    Jsme si opravdu plně vědomi významu zeleně ve městech? Lidé jsou uzpůsobeni tomu, aby jejich tělo a mysl fungovaly mnohem lépe v přírodním prostředí. Rostoucí počet vědeckých výzkumů také naznačuje, že pobyt v zeleni má pozitivní dopady na naše fyzické i duševní zdraví. Ale jak se však města rozšiřují a zhušťují, jsou naše zelené prostory vzácné a městská vegetace je stále ohroženější.

    Eliska Pilna

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    After several months of online meetings and communication via email, the members of Caen’s ULG (Urbact Local Group) finally met on 2nd July at the Arlette’s Gardens for what was to be a meeting with a very rich agenda: update on what is going on at European level in terms of urban agriculture, update on what is going at local level, on-going RU:RBAN actions…and what happens next – after RU:RBAN.  

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • RU:RBAN Transfer Network - Caen (FR)

    Urban gardeners in Caen (FR) had a busy summer!

    After several months of online meetings and communication via email, the members of Caen’s ULG (Urbact Local Group) finally met on 2nd July at the Arlette’s Gardens for what was to be a meeting with a very rich agenda: update on what is going on at European level in terms of urban agriculture, update on what is going at local level, on-going RU:RBAN actions…and what happens next – after RU:RBAN.  


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  • Cities with ideas - Let's talk about energy

    What is the youth's vision of the environmental situation the world is currently facing?

    Hélène Mazaleyrat

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