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  • Нови мрежи за трансфер на иновации

    10 нови одобрени мрежи по Програма УРБАКТ


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  • 10 нови мрежи за трансфер на иновации

    На 28 юни Комитетът за наблюдение на Програма Урбакт IV одобри нови 10 мрежи за трансфер на иновации. 


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  • URBACT programa sveikina 10 inovacijų perdavimo tinklų!


    10 inovacijų perdavimo tinklų 2024 m. birželio 28 d. URBACT stebėsenos komiteto sprendimu bus pradėti įgyvendinti šių metų rugsėjo mėnesį.

    Gediminas Cesonis

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  • Leonel on stage telling his experience using digital devices to the attendees

    Breaking stereotypes: The triumph of a disability inclusion

    In this article we would like to delve into a success story led by our DIGI-INCLUSION Network Partner, the Municipality of Torres Vedras (Portugal), who were also responsible for hosting the  Transnational Partner Meeting during last April. 

    More specifically, we would like to emphasise the role of Leonel Alves, who, during the Transnational Meeting in Torres Vedras, shared with the partnership his story about having a disability and being digitally included. During the meeting he was accompanied by Fernando Martins, teacher in the Secondary School Henriques Nogueira.


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  • Event
    Webinar on affordable housing

    Webinar: Cities for affordable housing

    The webinar will examine the support programs URBACT and European Urban Initiative provide to the cities in the field of affordable housing, showcase example of housing measures in the City of Dubrovnik and EUI innovative project in City of Budapest. The goal of the webinar is to raise awareness of local authorities about housing possibilities that are available to them and to motivate them for action. 

    The webinar will be held in English with provided interpretation to Croatian.

    The webinar starts at 10:00 (CET) with expected duration of up to 2 hours.


  • Το URBACT καλωσορίζει τα 10 Δίκτυα Μεταφοράς Καινοτομίας!

    Τα δέκα νέα δίκτυα ξεκινούν το ευρωπαϊκό ταξίδι τους στις πόλεις της ΕΕ, ύστερα από την έγκριση που έλαβαν στις 28 Ιουνίου 2024 από την Επιτροπή Παρακολούθησης του προγράμματος URBACT IV.


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