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  • The 8th Transnational Meeting of SIBdev – View from our windows

    After the preparation for a new personal occasion in Kecskemét, Hungary, the SIBdev Family had to make a tough decision again and move the event online due to the deterioration of the Covid pandemic situation. However, this move did not prevent the participants from sharing something personal in addition to the professional content, starting with the view from their (home) office windows and continuing with so many different points of view.

    Nora Kebel

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  • Case study Riga: Construction material exchange point

    In this eighth case study delivered by the URGE network, Riga Energy Agency shares lessons learnt on their construction material exchange point. Started as a Small Scale Activity in the URGE project, plans are now in the making for a larger exchange point. The point is the first of its sort in Latvia and has gained much attention. 

    City of Utrecht

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  • Breastfeeding and baby care area at the Trikala cultural center

    For their small-scale action, our project partner Trikala in Greece, set up a breastfeeding and baby care area-station in the municipal cultural centre in central Trikala.


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  • Minibus of Joy in Grosuplje

    On Saturday, 12th of March Minibus of Joy visited the Municipality of Grosuplje for the first time.


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  • Smart cities, innovation and gender equality

    How is smart cities, innovation and technological development connected to gender equality? What are the critical questions we have to ask ourselves?


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  • How BioCanteens accelerated local food initiatives in Liège? 

    The particularity of the Transfer of Good Practices, promoted in the URBACT Transfer Networks, is that they play a different role depending on the Partner City. In some cases, it kicks starts a transformation process and helps  set the basis of a resilient project. In other cases, it is an accelerator of a local dynamic with a long history behind it. This is the case of Liège, the civil society and political panorama was already shaping a food policy framework at the local level. "BioCanteens#2 arrived at the perfect moment for us, because we were ready to quickly learn and react to innovation", says the Coordinator of BioCanteens#2 from the City of Liège. 

    Clara Garrone

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