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  • Cinema Victoria

    Lessons learned from the first co-management experiences in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

    Laura Socci

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  • The RiConnect Archive

    Welcome to the RiConnect Archive! You can download all our documents by clicking on each chapter

    Stela Salinas

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  • "Best practice in Industry 4.0: Learnings from LCR4.0. Interview with Simon Reid"

    Best practice in Industry 4.0: Learnings from LCR4.0. Interview with Simon Reid by Ceri Batchelder, Ad Hoc URBACT expert

    Back in 2018, I was working on a project to try and bring together the digital and manufacturing communities in my region to collaborate. I’d heard that the city of Liverpool in the North West of the UK was making big strides in the area of Industry 4.0 and wanted to find out more. Along with a colleague, I was introduced to Simon Reid, then Head of Advanced Manufacturing, who was leading on an ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) funded project called LCR4.0 (Liverpool City Region 4.0).

    Cristina Urizar

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  • Trees for the future - small-scale action of Messina

    Small scale action in Messina: planting cypress, oak and myrtle trees

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Visions from the City Representatives - Enzo Lattuca, Mayor of Cesena by lead expert Miguel Rivas

    Heritage-led urban regeneration involves major urban projects, requiring significant investment and stakeholder mobilisation. In this endeavour, political backing and direction are key. The KAIRÓS interview series, conducted by the network lead expert Miguel Rivas, targets Mayors and Elected Representatives from the KAIRÓS partner cities.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • The Neighbourhood Councils of Agen : a Citizen public service delegation

    In 2008, in order to provide answers in terms of participatory democracy and to improve on all questions of local works, the City of Agen decided to create Neighborhood Councils, even though there is no legal framework for it compelled to do so.

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    « Finally, those who know their neighborhoods best are the people who live there. »

    Mayor of Agen


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