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  • Funding actions and monitoring implementation - key focus points of our action oriented 5th transnational meeting


    By Eileen Crowley, Lead Expert of Resourceful Cities

    It was great to catch up with all our wonderful partners during the 5th transnational meeting of our Resourceful Cities network which took place online,  on 28th & 29th June. This meeting focussed on the topics of funding & resourcing our Integrated Action Plans (IAP) and on developing a monitoring and risk assessment framework.

    Amy Jansen

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  • Getting to know each other: our City Visits

    Between August and September, The Lead Partner's Team had the chance to visit the BioCanteens #2 Partners in their cities: Evora (PT), Wroclaw (PO), Gavà (ES), and Liège (BE). City Visits allowed us to get a bite of the reality of the territory, the political implication, the production and consumption patterns, and the functioning of the school procurement system. Most importantly, it gave us the chance to establish a relationship to perpetuate our fruitful collaboration for the next months.

    With the following paragraphs, we want you to be part of our journey: sharing observations, places, and initiatives.

    Clara Garrone

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  • Vervoerregio Amsterdam

    Our partner Vervoerregio Amsterdam Transport Authority connects 15 municipalities working together on a region where people and places are effectively connected so that everybody can easily reach their destination. 

    Stela Salinas

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  • BioCanteens#2: cities engaged for food democracy and sovereignty

    3 primary schools’ canteens in the city and a thousand lunches par day 100% organic and mostly local with no cost increase! That the magic of the Good Practice of Mouans-Sartoux, a small sustainable city, surrounded by the rather unsustainable French Riviera, where it’s all about real estate interest, high pressure on land use and mass tourism.

    François Jégou

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    Rome was the setting of an unusual meeting last 15-17 September: the Farewell Meeting of RU:RBAN First Wave, with representatives of the partner cities of A Coruna, Caen, Loures, Krakow, Thessaloniki and Vilnius, and the Kick-Off Meeting of the RU:RBAN Second Wave with representatives of the partner cities of Alexandroupolis, Algeciras, Carlow and Split.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Tartu's 'Food Share Cabinet' Success

    Tartu, part of the Zero Carbon Cities network provides an update on their most recent small scale action involving citizens on their zero carbon journey.

    84, 000 tons of food is wasted in Estonia every year. Shops, supermarkets, restaurants, homes throw away food that has been unsold or uneaten. If you packed all this food in lorries, the line of trucks would span over 40 km!  

    Laura McIntosh

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