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  • Focus on Women in Tech and Innovation

    The context is very important for taking the step to entrepreneurship as a choice. It includes social, cultural, political, economic, technological aspects. To get more women to choose Entrepreneurship and Tech they should be encouraged to choose entrepreneurial career ways in a wider landscape.

    Elisabeth Lind

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  • Think Globally, Act Locally

    Pilot Action Programmes were commissioned for the first time by URBACT to engage citizens in the project theme. The pilot action programme aim for C-Change was to support understanding and action on climate change in the arts and culture sector in our city. Here we hear from one of Manchester's projects that benefitted from the funding - the People's History Museum. 

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Bring down the curtain on C-Change

    We’ve just had our final meeting and I wanted to share my thoughts...

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Carbon Literacy Training adapted for the virtual world

    As part of its capacity building objective, MAST through C-Change wanted to create 100 free Carbon Literacy Places in a new online learning format. The aims of this training were to help the network in the following areas:

    • Enhance collaboration across the sector
    • Grow the network + reach further into Greater Manchester
    • Explore remote delivery of training
    • Engage artists/practitioners and organisations who have been affected during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Võru, a small town with a strong community

    Võru town is a project partner at Find Your Greatness, Europe’s first strategic brand building programme for smart cities. On June 10–11, Võru Town Government hosted an online project meeting on community spirit building and shared its best practices in supporting and engaging the community.

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Opole shares how to involve all groups of society and their view on education

    article_about_the_vital_cities_project_published_in_the_budapester_zeitung_magazine (nr. 18th 2017)

    Amy Jansen

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