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  • Vilawatt Scorecard: when a picture is worth a thousand words - TM1

    At the first Transnational Meeting (TM1) with all Vilawatt Project partner cities, last May 2021, a key element that will help guide the transfer process of the Vilawatt Innovative Practice was introduced.



    Miriam Martín

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  • Vilawatt Scorecard: when a picture is worth a thousand words

    At the first Transnational Meeting (TM1) with all Vilawatt Project partner cities, last May 2021, a key element that will help guide the transfer process of the Vilawatt Innovative Practice was introduced.



    Miriam Martín

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  • SIBdev online transnational meetings - From Network to a Family

    Transnational meetings are at the heart of all Networks, and SIBdev is no exception. The Covid pandemic has caused a great challenge in this regard which could only be overcome by introducing new tools for cooperation and socializing that contributed to both the effectiveness and the inspiring atmosphere of the gatherings from time to time.

    Nora Kebel

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  • Halfway Through Healthy Cities: Reflections and Revisions

    The Healthy Cities Network has passed its halfway point in the project. To evaluate all we’ve done and look ahead at what’s to come, we’re taking this opportunity to reflect on our progress with the Mid-Term Reflection (MTR) process.

    by Lead Expert Dr. Sebastiaan van Herk

    Caitlin Ball

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  • A Bumpy Road to Thriving Streets

    Author: Béla Kézy, Lead Expert of ThrivingSTREETS

    The article presenting the Thriving Streets URBACT Action Planning Network, and its ambitions was published on 2020 February 5 on the URBACT website. It reflected optimism, dedication, and commitment of all partners to address the challenge at hand: reducing car-dependency in their cities, making them “more healthy, attractive, accessible, inclusive and thriving places”. It quickly turned out, though, that our plan was like those proverbial battle plans that did not survive the first encounter with the enemy. 

    Francesca Blamonti

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  • Glasgow’s Journey towards the 2030 Agenda

    Race to net zero and climate resilience: localising the SDGs through meaningful participation and co-creation.

    Karin Luhaäär

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