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  • Nudging residents towards outdoor exercise facilities

    When the covid-19 pandemic in Espoo shut down all indoor sports facilities, ­­outdoor exercise facilities got more popular than ever. We were lucky – this was only possible because the City of Espoo has invested within the years heavily in outdoor exercise facilities as a part of its wellbeing strategy.

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Enabling co-governance in a post-communist city: Iași Transfer Story

    As “learning city” of Civic State Transfer Network, Iași was motivated to see the good practices of the mature cities – like Naples, Barcelona and Gdansk – on participative approaches and understand how these could be adapted in the local context to better use the local urban goods, by involving actors of the local community in the process. For Iași, commoning and urban commons are quite an innovative approach to governance, being the first time the city is facing this kind of challenge.

    Gregorio Turolla

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  • Visions from the City Representatives - Milen Dulev, Mayor of Belene (BG) by Lead Expert Miguel Rivas

    Heritage-led urban regeneration involves major urban projects requiring significant investment. Political backing and direction are therefore key to attract resources and align necessary contributors and stakeholders.

    This is a series of short interviews conducted by KAIRÓS lead expert and TASO principal Miguel Rivas with Mayors and elected representatives from the URBACT network KAIRÓS Heritage as Urban Regeneration.


    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Tropa Verde in Nice (Transfer Story)

    Tropa Verde, Covid and Alex: is it a “nice” transfer story in Nice?

    Christian Beade

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  • L. O. Story - Not yet the Chemnitz Transfer Story

    The ALT/BAU transfer does not only take place on a European level and not only in big cities. Parallel to the Housing Agency receiving the URBACT Good Practice Award 2017 and the start of the ALT/BAU Transfer Network's work since 2018, the Housing Agency's methods were adapted in the neighbouring city of Chemnitz, Limbach-Oberfrohna. (For marketing reasons often called L.O.)


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  • How to be a Volunteer? - A Transfer Story from Arcos de Valdevez

    In 2018 our Municipality joined the network of transferring good volunteering practices. It should be noted that the Municipality of Athienou is a lead partner of this Volunteer Network, of which Arcos de Valdevez is already part, as well as municipalities in countries such as Poland, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Croatia and Italy.


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