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  • Social Impact Bonds: the secret tool for effective public services?

    In times of financial constraints, total government expenditures on public services are decreasing, while citizens expect more and more effective services. Social Impact Bonds may be the tool for providing funds and overcoming short-term focus, fragmentation of services and lack of innovation.

    Zsolt Séra

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  • Responsibilities and profile of the project/area manager

    In order to ensure the effectiveness of public action, it is important to appoint a person responsible for the coordination of all project stakeholders. This ensures a strong role in the municipality, which provides an overall vision of the project and the mobilisation of the various departments involved.


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  • Small cities finding their economic niches in a competitive world

    Can small cities with populations below 100 000, including large towns between 10 000 and 50 000, compete with their larger counterparts for talent and investment?

    Are there examples and good practices among partners, and from small cities across Europe, that will inspire new initiatives, which could be examined and explored in the iPlace Project?

    All cities compete and collaborate. The URBACT Programme has developed proven methods for cities to work together in well-designed efficient projects to create mechanisms for analysing, learning and planning actions that will initiate integrated and sustainable urban development. Following from their kick-off summit meeting, the partner cities in the iPlace Project are confident that the potential exists for partners to learn and develop new pathways, especially if those pathways include exercises in re-imagining historical sectors that were the mainstays of their local economies in previous eras.

    Wessel Badenhorst

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  • How transport adds to public space meeting people’s needs?

    Space4People, challenging the use of public space!

    Claus Kollinger

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  • Rethinking the mobility infrastructure of Europe's metropolises

    RiConnect is exploring more efficient, equitable, and attractive metropolitan mobility systems.


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  • Schemes for regeneration management, its monitoring and fast-track reactions – Lodz case study

    In our next output, based on the example of Łódź, which carries out large-scale revitalisation projects, the scheme for managing the revitalisation process in the city was analysed and a strategic document was presented, which was created in Łódź and constitutes the framework, principles and scope of revitalisation activities.


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