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  • A Toolkit for Cities to promote Playful Activities in Schools

    Insights for cities and policy-makers to design a strategy to involve Schools Institutions for promoting PLAY activities


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  • "Sharing and connecting" - an effective way of Trapesa international meeting point to engage Espoo residents

    With a slogan ‘sharing and connecting’ Trapesa international meeting point offers a neutral and unbiased environment for discussions, hobbies and learning, and its doors are open to all people regardless of their nationality, mother tongue, religion and cultural background. To explore the establishment and development of Trapesa, we had an interesting conversation with Raisa Lindroos, Secretary General of Filoksenia Association that is the driving force behind Trapesa. 


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  • Mesta mestom: Umetniška četrt v Celju

    V zadnjih desetletjih so tudi v Sloveniji v porastu umetniške iniciative, ki pogosto naseljujejo zapuščene in degradirane prostore. Te ne le ponovno odpirajo prostore skupnosti, temveč pomagajo tudi oblikovati organizacijske in socialne strukture, ki prej na območju niso bile prisotne. Redkejši
    so primeri, kjer pobuda za oživitev praznih in degradiranih prostorov s kreativnimi vsebinami pride »od zgoraj« in je postavljena v sisteme
    upravljanja lokalne oblasti. V Celju je bila tako občina tista, ki se je odločila ponuditi prazne objekte v najem celjskim umetnikom, kar je vodilo v osnovanje umetniške četrti, ki je sčasoma postala vozlišče in zatočišče ustvarjalcev različnih kreativnih dejavnosti.



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  • Zmenil COVID-19 Novú Lipsku chartu ?

    Interview Eddyho Adamsa (Lead Experta operačného programu URBACT) s Jonasom Scholze (generálnym riaditeľom Nemeckej asociácie pre bývanie, mestský a územný rozvoj) o dopade koronavírusu COVID-19 na Novú Lipsku chartu.

    Matus Zak

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    The philosophy behind URBACT Transfer Networks is embedded in its name: transferring a city’s Good Practice to a group of cities that have adhered to the possibility of adopting (and adapting) such Good Practice and make it their own. All in the spirit of sharing knowledge and experience with the ultimate goal to improve quality of life, in its manifold facets, in our cities. Every Transfer Network is supposed to produce a “transfer story” which is, in not so many words, the tale of how the good practice has been transferred to other EU cities, which have been the challenges faced and the opportunities emerged from the process.

    Patricia Hernandez

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  • Learn together, Albergaria-a-Velha Transfer Story

    This is a story about Innovation in Education and the adventure of the Municipality of Albergaria-a-Velha on the ON BOARD Transfer Network, experienced and shared with five European cities from different countries, Viladecans (Spain), Poznań (Poland), Tallinn (Estonia), Nantes (France), and Halmstad (Sweden), with the aspiration to learn together.


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