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  • Event

    Online infodeň zameraný na Innovation Transfer Networks

    Nezmeškajte príležitosť dozvedieť sa všetky detaily o otvorenej výzve na tvorbu inovatívnych transferových sietí.

  • Event

    Online info session: Final troubleshooting

    The last URBACT online info session on the call for Innovation Transfer Networks will hand over the space to you - the applicant cities. Make sure you come prepared, with any remaining questions or doubts you might have about the submission process, eligibility criteria or any other application aspect.


    The online info session will take place on Zoom on 14 March 2024 from 10.00 to 11.00 CET.


  • Event

    Online info session: Time to submit your application - tech & troubleshooting

    The clock is ticking for your Innovation Transfer Network application submission! Have you checked all the technical requirements?


    Come to our last URBACT online info session on the upcoming call for proposals and ask any remaining questions you might have! The URBACT Secretariat will present the technical procedure for the application submission. Cities and partners preparing an Innovation Transfer Network application are strongly encouraged to attend, especially those who are applying as Lead Partners.


  • Készüljenek velünk az URBACT közelgő ITN felhívására!

    A 2024. március 20-ig elérhető URBACT ITN felhívás ismertetése kapcsán több online esemény megrendezésére sor kerül január-február folyamán. Ismerje meg a fontos dátumokat, témaköröket és vegyen részt az eseményeken!


    URBACT Nemzeti Kontakt Pont

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  • Event

    Online info session: Exchange and learning during the network journey

    Exchange and learning are at the core of an URBACT network experience. Therefore, this session will offer a glimpse into the URBACT opportunities and capacity-building for cities involved in Innovation Transfer Networks.


  • Η αναθεώρηση του 2023 για το URBACT

    Για το URBACT, ήταν μία χρονιά με νέα ξεκινήματα, με νέα δίκτυα, ανθρώπους, συνέργιες και εκδηλώσεις! 


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