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  • #Budaörs4CSR: cooperare public-privată pentru un oraș mai verde

    Budaörs este un oraș situat în Ungaria și unul dintre orașele partenere din cadrul Rețelei CITIES4CSR.

    Irina Panait

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  • Căutăm cel mai „saltabil” fel de mâncare din Europa!

    Căutăm preparatul mai circular, mai ecologic și mai sănătos sărat!

    Irina Panait

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  • Vilawatt UTM Learning Webinars - Energy Communities: a joint response to a global problem

    Vilawatt-URBACT partner cities met again for a new learning webinar to find out more about Energy Communities and their possible relationship with one of the Vilawatt project's pillars: the co-governance model (PPCP).



    Miriam Martín

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  • Bistrita's Summer 'Sustainable Urban Mobility Campaign'

    The Small-Scale Action carried out by the Municipality of Bistrita refers to a “Sustainable Urban Mobility Campaign”, trying to encourage citizens to use sustainable alternative means of transport, to foster cycling culture and to promote these means.

    Also, Bistrita municipality is concerned with protecting the environment, reducing CO2, thus carries out in the framework of the SSA a series of education, information and awareness actions.

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Ozalj best practices on meaningful participation

    The city of Ozalj was the co-host of the 4th Transnational Meeting which was held virtually between 24-26 November 2021 along with Manresa and Glasgow. Our main theme was Meaningful participation and co-creation and each co-host city shared best practices and introduced other cities to local customs.

    Karin Luhaäär

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  • Oulu näyttää mallia digitaalisten palvelujen kehittämisessä

    URBACT-ohjelman DigiPlace -hankkeessa edistetään digitaalisia ratkaisuja pienissä ja keskisuurissa kaupungeissa. Ratkaisuja haetaan hankkeeseen osallistuvien kaupungin omista lähtökohdista ja kehittämiskohteina on aihealueita, joilla digitaalisuus tuo lisäarvoa. Kun lisäarvo ja sitä tukevat tavoitteet on tunnistettu, kaupungit laativat tavoitteisiin johtavan toteutussuunnitelman (Integrated Action Plan, IAP).  Varsinainen toteutus jää hankkeen jälkeen tehtäväksi.


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