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  • Newsletter nr. 9: Walk on a Bee Path and learn a city Bee Story

    In the main article we invite you to learn more about our cities' Bee Paths, which showcase all of our efforts to make our cities bee and pollinator friendly. Walking the Bee Paths gives visitors a unique perspective into the lives of bees and how they affect our daily lives. Knowingly and unknowingly these effects are felt in every area. When you eat a simple meal, at least one part of the meal is on your plate thanks to our wonderful pollinators. When you take a walk outside and enjoy all nature has to offer, well the view would not be spectacular in the least without them. 

    So if you are a citizen of a city or a tourist visiting somewhere, the glory of all that surrounds us, would be diminished without our friends the Bees, so read how you can learn more about them while visiting our Bee Paths in Amarante, Bydgoszcz, Cesena, Hegyvidek, Nea Propontida and Ljubljana.


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  • Retail Therapy - St.Quentin

    Helping local shops owners to go digital in saint Quentin

    Josephine Di Pino

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  • Place du Panthéon: Building gender into public space

    What does redesigning public space from a gendered perspective look like? In this newest GenderedLandscape video case study where Chris Blache, co-founder of Genre et Ville, tells us about their work with Place du Panthéon.


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  • ‘Housing First’: kako sta dve URBACT mesti v Belgiji uvedli pravico do prebivališča

    Preberite, kako se dve belgijski mesti borita proti brezdomstvu v okviru omrežja URBACT ROOF.


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  • “The Sea Starts Here” – Urban Art raising awareness for Environmental Preservation

    The artistic interpretation of an aquarium is the subject of an urban art display in the centre of Agueda, in support of the campaign “O Mar começa aqui” (“The sea starts here”). The aim of the instillation is to increase the community awareness and importnace of environment preservation. The piece of art was inaugurated on the November 19th, to mark World Sanitation Day.

    Laura McIntosh

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  • Nový mestský plán nákladnej dopravy: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Umeå (Švédsko)

    CIA 7 is a network of European cities, funded by the European Union in the frame of the URBACT III Programme. The CIA 7 partners have a common need to improve the implementation of their existing integrated urban strategies or action plans under Article 7 of the ERDF regulation. New tools of implementation and funding of interlinked actions for integrated urban development have been introduced. Managing Authorities and cities need to act as partners to fulfil the objectives developed in the Operational Programmes. Innovative approaches of multilevel governance and co-operation have to be applied and shared. The step from planning to implementation and funding with shared responsibilities is a joint policy challenge the partners of the CIA 7 URBACT Implementation Network are exploring.

    Matus Zak

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