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  • Transfer Story: Toulouse. Urban Regeneration Mix, a relay reace about citizen participation

    To get involved in the URBACT REGENERATION MIX project is to start a RELAY RACE named "CITIZEN PARTICIPATION" in Poland, in ŁÓDŹ, without knowing who the relays will be, the length of the race, or the place of arrival... It is to start a TRANSFERof GOOD PRACTICE with a precise idea, the consultation on a flagship urban development project, then to do a refresher course in Italy, in BOLOGNA, to pass the baton to the socio-cultural animation department, and to come back again to urban development thanks to a deep immersion in BIRMINGHAM (England), and a step in BRAGA (Portugal). Over the course of the race, more than 10 different directions of the Toulouse Metropolis joined THE TEAM to cross the FINISHING LINE together.


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  • JORNADAS APLAZADAS - Las “Transferencias Urbanas” en Gijón se aplazan a después de agosto.

    Sentimos informaros de que las jornadas URBACT de Transferencias Urbanas de Gijón -previstas para el 27 y 28 de mayo- se tienen que aplazar unos meses, para después de agosto. Será un evento dirigido a compartir, intercambiar y transferir los resultados e innovaciones generadas a través de las redes URBACT, proyectos UIA y ciudades EDUSI.

    En breve os daremos más detalles sobre las fechas y formato. Disculpad las molestias

    Jon Aguirre Such

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  • Sign up: Final Conference WIT project - 13 April

    What does it take to welcome and integrate international talents in your medium-sized city? Join us Tuesday 13th of April for our online final conference of the Welcoming International Talent project. 

    Evite van Winkoop

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  • Priča o dobrom prijenosu - kako napraviti urbane vrtove

    U zadnjih nekoliko godina urbano vrtlarstvo postalo je praksa koja ispunjava mnoge potrebe lokalnih zajednica jer može stvoriti duh zajedništva, stimulirati društvenu koheziju, eksperimentirati sa inovativnom proizvodnjom i upravljačkim modelima u javnim prostorima, ojačati urbane ekosustave, povećati urbanu bioraznolikosti te boriti se protiv klimatskih promjena.


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  • Transfer Story: Salerno Italy

    The Municipality took a strategic decision quite early on in the organisation of their activities to integrate a Blue Growth Entrepreneurship Award into an existing high-profile Business Plan Competition which is held annually in the city (the business plan competition, which is organised by the Industrial Union of Salerno, as part of the large annual festival of innovation and entrepreneurship is now in its 13th year).

    Angelos Ploumis

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  • Transfer Story: Ostend Belgium

    The Municipality of Ostend held a launch event for their competition at the GreenBridge Incubator on the 10th September 2019. The competition was structured around a SeaZone theme, a brand that was designed to act as a unifying concept in the city.

    Angelos Ploumis

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