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  • От тотална липса на рециклиране до нулеви отпадъци

    Преди 20 години столицата на Словения депонираше 100% от отпадъците си. До 2025 г., обаче, 75% от боклука ще бъде рециклиран. Как градът смени чипа?


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  • The power of Honey

    The Municipality of Amarante, one of the most beautiful and “sweet” cities of Portugal, is a destination in the north of the country. It is recognized for its honey in varieties such as heather, rosemary, eucalyptus or orange which is so special, that it is labelled with the EU Protected geographical indication. Originating from traditional use of honey in the culinary field and due to locals with dreams and visions, who joined small beekeepers and developed their business, local honey and diverse products made with honey or other bee products are distributed across the country and abroad. Today, beekeeping is a growing sector of the local industry especially important for the rural areas.  


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  • Aicinām reģistrēties konferenču sērijai “Nākotnei piemērotas Eiropas pilsētas”!

    COVID-19 pandēmija strauji mainīja vairākas vietējās attīstības stratēģijas, taču šogad Jums vēl ir iespēja ietekmēt svarīgu Eiropas pilsētu attīstības politikas stratēģisko virzienu jaunajā 2021.-2027. gada plānošanas periodā.


    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • The Aha! Moment - How Poznan turned its potential into an Education Innovation Network

    “Creativity is about making connections and usually depends more on collaboration than individual efforts” Ken Robinson, Out of our Minds: Learning to be Creative.


    “How is it possible that we have not tried out more durable and permanent cooperation prior to commencement of the ON BOARD project?” remarked one teacher involved in the ON BOARD project, locally coordinated by the city of Poznań. “Why didn’t we do this earlier?”


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  • The Strategic and Responsible Public Procurement Policy of Pamplona Recognized as Good Practice by the European Commission

    The Executive Agency of the European Commission for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) has recently published the guide Making Socially Responsible Public Procurement Work: 71 Good Practices Cases, which includes the case study called Strategy for Socially Responsible Public Procurement at Pamplona City Council. In this way, Pamplona's responsible public procurement policy is recognized at European level as a good practice to be replicated.

    Alison Taylor

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  • How to communicate environmental/climate issues effectively?

    Health&Greenspace Action Planning Network member cities are planning effective and engaging communication for the 2nd phase. Here are a few pieces of valuable advice they can share with you.

    Viktoria Soos

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