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  • ON BOARD Partners’ Actions on Education to respond to COVID19

    The Coronavirus health and social crisis is hitting hard our cities. Public health systems are put under enormous strain. Other welfare areas, such as Education, have come immediately afterwards, due to the containment measures. The situation imposed by COVID-19 has led educational centres to move their classrooms to each of the students’ houses. As well as the teachers now transfer knowledge through the screens.


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  • „Continuing business as usual“ – the case of the Youth Center and Platform for Lazareti during the COVID-19 crisis

    „The work of civil society organizations contributes to the realization of the highest values of the constitutional order: freedom, equality, national and gender equality, respect for human rights and social justice, the rule of law and democratic multilateralism" (Strategic Plan of the Civil Society Council of the City of Dubrovnik, 2015:6).


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  • Growing Together

    Starting July 2018, the Town of Pregrada began its journey of transferring the Good Practice from the Town of Athienou, Cyprus, the town which was awarded the title of European town of Good Practice in volunteering in 2017. The tradition, solidarity, love, care for the weaker members of the community, and volunteering are the main characteristics of this small Cypriot town. By taking part in the project Volunteering cities, the Town of Pregrada heads in the direction of strengthening the participation of its citizens, volunteers, in decision-making process, strengthening the inter-generational solidarity, involving the youth in creating and executing of local policies, volunteering, and involving local entrepreneurs in finding solutions for social problems in the community. 


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  • Newsletter May 8

    Fortnightly newsletter from Tropa Verde.

    Christian Beade

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  • Urban poverty and the pandemic

    It's not just a health crisis we are living.

    Ivan Tosics

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  • Coronacrisis: International Groningen approach

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    My name is Anastasija Zihareva. I am a former international student from Latvia, currently working within the internationalisation policy projects of Groningen. One of my main project is the cultural agenda for internationals Here & Now in Groningen (www.hereandnow.nl).

    The current corona crisis has obviously influenced the way we work and live. And even though it is, of course, too early to assess the full impact it has had on the city of Groningen, it is interesting to have an overview on how the internationals in Groningen have been experiencing the situation so far.

    Evite van Winkoop

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