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  • Why do we need change in public institutions?

    Sharing results on pilot tests was the main focus of the Cluj-Napoca meeting held on February 6th, 7th, 2020

    Valeria Tarallo

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  • The Hague shares the dutch experience on Com.Unity.Lab

    The City of The Hague joined the Com.Unity.Lab URBACT Network in Phase 2 of the Transfer Network to share its experience with Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) and be inspired by the BIP/ZIP strategy of Lisbon in order to improve the local strategy. During the Transnational Meeting in The Hague, on October 9th and 10th, the focus was on CLLD – the fourth tool from the Lisbon toolbox. The network partners paid visits to several projects that were realized by the foundation Stichting Initiatief op Scheveningen and the foundation and a representative of one of the funded projects shared with the project partners the workings of CLLD in their context, the challenges, and the importance of continuation with this form of citizen engagement.  Sam Hurulean, from The Hague team, shared part of the dutch experience, future plans and expectations.

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  • Cities implementing the right to housing

    The EU Cities Forum 2020, held in Porto, provided the perfect time and location to launch a new URBACT and UIA (Urban Innovative Actions) joint initiative on implementing the right to housing across urban areas in Europe.

    Laura Colini

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  • A focus on Barcelona's Community Balance: a protocol for the granting process and evaluation of the Citizen Assets

    The Citizen Assets Program develops a series of criteria and principles that define what we conceive by community management and use. These criteria should allow us to define, evaluate and justify associations and projects that are dealing with a social, open and participative use of collective resources, managed democratically and communally to pursue the common good.

    by Albert Martín i Gómez

    Gregorio Turolla

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  • Cities engaging in the right to housing

    Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and URBACT are joining forces on housing!


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  • PPP practise and innovation- Toulose case study

    Toulouse Metropole shared their experience about every stage of preparing a PPP project: from planning, negotiating and selecting an operator, through contract drafting (division of risk and profits) and project activities implementing.


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