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  • The evaluation of a good example - housing agency for shrinking cities on the test stand

    As a lead partner and official URBACT Good Practice in the URBACT Transfernetwork ALT/BAU, Chemnitz was not like the other six partner cities initially faced with the question of how the working methods of a good practice could be transferred and adapted to another city. Nevertheless the city of Chemnitz also expected to gain knowledge from the URBACT network and pondered how this could be achieved.


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  • The evaluation on the URBACT good practice - the Housing Agency for shrinking cities in Chemnitz on the test stand

    As a lead partner and official URBACT Good Practice in the URBACT Transfernetwork ALT/BAU, Chemnitz was not like the other six partner cities initially faced with the question of how the working methods of a good practice could be transferred and adapted to another city. Nevertheless the city of Chemnitz also expected to gain knowledge from the URBACT network and pondered how this could be achieved.


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  • Πρόσκληση υποβολής προσφορών για μελέτη: Παρακολούθηση των κλειστών δικτύων URBACT

    Το URBACT αναζητά εξωτερικούς εμπειρογνώμονες για τα ολοκληρωμένα δίκτυα του.


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  • Aicinām pilsētas visā pasaulē reģistrēties EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK, kas notiks no 16. līdz 22. septembrim!

    Kopš 2002. gada EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK ir centusies uzlabot sabiedrības veselību un dzīves kvalitāti, veicinot mobilitāti un attīstot ilgtspējīgu pilsētas transportu. Šī kampaņa dod cilvēkiem iespēju izpētīt pilsētas ielu lomu un izmēģināt praktiskus variantus, lai risinātu dažādas pilsētas problēmas, piemēram, gaisa piesārņojumu.

    Anastasija Bizjajeva

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  • Samen met de stad werken aan de Next Economy – 1 jaar TechRevolution Schiedam

    ‘De markt onderneemt, de gemeente faciliteert’ is de kernachtige samenvatting van een van de deelnemende ondernemers aan de expertsessie over business support, waarin de gemeente zoekt naar een duurzame dialoog over innovatie op het gebied van economische ontwikkeling.

    URBACT punt Nederland

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  • Harnessing territorial CSR to respond to Covid-19: Milan Experience

    Across EU and the entire globe, the pandemic has been threatening cities and communities, endangering not only public health, but also the economy and the fabric of society. In this difficult scenario, cities have been called to stand more than ever on the frontline of innovative responses to the challenges posed by COVID-19.

    Alessia Dagradi

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