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  • Gender Equal Cities: a walk in the park?

    ‘Gender Equality’ has become one of the political zeitgeists of 2018, prompting institutions around the globe to take a closer look at how women and men interact in personal, professional and public spheres. But what does it mean for European cities?

    By Sally Kneeshaw.

    Karl Murphy

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  • Case Study Meeting - Ravenna, Italy

    Ravenna has a vision, and we saw it. What happend at the Italian Case Study Meeting?

    Artur Katai

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  • Trikala Local Action Plan and the link with URBinclusion

    By Vasilis Mitsios and Harry Kalliaras Trikala within the framework of the URBinclusion project is focusing the attention on the Local Action Plan focusing on poverty and exclusions problems of the Roma communities in three areas: Pyrgos, Kipaki and Roggia.

    Massimiliano Rumignani

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  • Case Study Meeting - Ibi, Spain

    In March, 2018 the Creative Spirits network had the third Case Study Meeting in a beautiful small town in Spain. 

    Artur Katai

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  • How to design and co-create greener cities?

    Chantal van Ham, European Programme Manager Nature Based Solutions and Katharina Dropmann of International Union for Conservation of Nature Brussels European Regional Office share their enthusiasm for the EU Horizon 2020 project GrowGreen and nature based solutions as seen at URBACT City Festival, through examples from Bologna (IT), Manchester (UK) and Stavanger (NO).

    Chantal van Ham

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  • InnovaTOr - Everybody is an innovator

    Fabio Sgaragli, Lead Expert of the URBACT Transfer Network InnovaTOr reveals how Turin is spearheading Innova.TO, making municipal employees tomorrow’s innovators.

    Fabio Sgaragli

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