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  • A new role: The Creative Ambassador

    Újbuda serves as a lead partner of the Creative Spirits network in the frame of Urbact programme which seeks to facilitate the exchange of experiences between the participating partner cities to be able to attract actors of the cultural and creative industry to the target areas. Recently every partner city has elected creative ambassadors, in Újbuda the CEO of Hadik restaurant and Szatyor bar, Tibor Bosznai took on the role.

    Artur Katai

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  • Case Study Meeting - Kaunas, 05-06 December 2017

    In December, 2017 was the second meetup for the partner cities of Creative Spirits, in the beautiful Kaunas, Lithuania. There were lot of good practices, what the partners should learn from the host, and there are a lot of cultural and creative projects, what everybody have to see in Kaunas. 

    Artur Katai

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  • Case Study Meeting - Lublin, 17-19 October 2017

    In the Phase 2 of the Creative Spirits project, there are lot of opportunities to meet the parners. These occasions are the Case Study Meetings, where the partners can study from easch others, and can discuss all the related topics. The first meeting was in Lublin, Poland, and this short video shows you what were the experiences of the Lead Partner, Újbuda.

    Artur Katai

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  • Stay Tuned - focus on implementation, what does it mean?

    Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) has high societal and individual costs. Subsequently, reducing ELET is one of the headline targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The past few years, a lot of research has been done (notably RESL.eu, a Horizon 2020 project) and robust recommendations on evidence-based policy measures became available (e.g. WG ET2020, OECD).

    Arwen Dewilde

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  • Action Day on Combating ELET - Ghent pushes the partnership into the unknown parts of the implementation zone

    150 professionals from all sectors and all sorts of organisations (schools, local & Flemish government, ngo’s, private sector, …) were present at De Punt in Ghent, a center for incubation and innovation for the local economy, assessing and formulating progress on the specific barriers and challenges associated with implementing the Ghent plan on early school leaving (ESL).

    Arwen Dewilde

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  • A VITAL CITIES LABEL: What is it and how could your city earn it?

    With recent changes in our life styles, opportunities to be physically active are decreasing. This phenomenon is especially apparent in urban areas where sedentary lifestyle is the new norm amongst the working age population. While there is a body of empirical evidence showing associated health risks, it has also been proven that anyone who increases their level of physical activity, even after a long gap, can obtain health benefits irrespective of their age. It is never too late to start. However a group of cities is dedicated this phenomena and therefore decided within the framework of the Vital Cities network, to create a Vital Cities label.


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