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  • ES miestų laboratorija apie įpročių keitimą siekiant sveiko ir tvaraus maisto sistemos

    Prisij[u]nkite prie URBACT programos ir Europos miestų iniciatyvos bendrai organizuojamo renginio „ES miestų laboratorija vietos maisto sistemoms #1“! 

    Gediminas Cesonis

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  • Members of the Cities@Heart network

    Sipping coffee in Sligo: How a commitment to community and attention to detail turned things around for downtown—one cup at a time

    The year is 2013 and few residents of Sligo, Ireland have heard of a BID, or Business Improvement District. Stakeholders in the local commerce sector operated independently and seldomly in cooperation with the County Council. Fast forward to December 6, 2023 when a group of 26 individuals from ten different countries all over Europe touched down in Sligo to glean best practices for city centre management. Sligo’s remarkable success story provided a fitting backdrop for the first transnational meeting of the Cities@Heart URBACT Action Planning Network.

    Suzanne Pergal

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  • Jak ve Vašem městě funguje potravinový systém? Inspirujte se na EU City Lab ve Francii!

    Připojte se k nám v Mouans-Sartoux a zjistěte, jak může proměna návyků vést ke zdravějšímu a udržitelnějšímu městskému potravinovému systému!

    Markéta Horská

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  • Urban garden in Mouans-Sartoux (FR) - Photo by François Jégou

    EU City Labs take on agriculture and food systems

    How can we put the transition issues related to food back on the table and in the minds of policy-makers and citizens?


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  • Nuevo EU City Lab: cambiando de hábitos para un sistema alimentario sano y sostenible

    El primer City Lab de la UE sobre Sistemas Alimentarios Locales tendrá lugar en Mouans-Sartoux, Francia, el jueves 21 y el viernes 22 de marzo de 2024. Se trata de un evento de intercambio de conocimientos coorganizado por URBACT y la Iniciativa Urbana Europea (EUI), con el apoyo del municipio de Mouans-Sartoux.

    Isabel Gonzalez Garcia

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  • EU City Lab sobre a Mudança de Hábitos para um Sistema Alimentar Saudável e Sustentável

    J[U]nte-se a nós em Mouans-Sartoux, França, nos dias 21 e 22 de março de 2024, para o #1 EU City Lab sobre Sistemas Alimentares Locais, promovido pelo URBACT e pela Iniciativa Urbana Europeia! Conheça, abaixo, o programa do evento e registe-se agora!

    Maria João Matos

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