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  • 1321

    Linnakeskkonna muutmine koostöös noortega

    Olümpiasuve lõpu puhul jagame teadmisi URBACTi linnaspordikeskuste kohta. Käesoleva aasta 26. juulist 11. augustini olid kõik pilgud suunatud Pariisi suveolümpiamängudele. Sarnaselt teistele võõrustajalinnadele, kasutab ka Pariis olümpiamänge linnapildi taaselustamiseks ja ümberkujundamiseks. 

    Mis on seost spordi ja linnade taaselustamise vahel? Lugege, kuidas üheksa linna juhivad muutusi, kasutades noorte potentsiaali ja uuenduslikke lähenemisviise, et kujundada Re-Gen URBACT võrgustiku kaudu helgemat tulevikku. 

    Annika Vaiko

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  • The Skoufas Association: A Pillar of Cultural Heritage and Innovation in Arta

    Founded in 1896, the Skoufas Association has long been a cornerstone of cultural and intellectual life in Arta and the broader Epirus region of Greece. For over a century, this venerable institution has been dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich heritage of the area, fostering a deep sense of identity and unity among its residents. In a recent interview, Mrs. Spyridoula Chouliara, a member of the board of directors, offered an insightful look into the association’s history, its ongoing educational initiatives, and its forward-thinking efforts in digitizing and modernizing its extensive collections.

    Sofia Alberto

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  • Ph. Luis Villasmil

    Sport Urbanism: A New Paradigm for Urban Regeneration and Sustainable, Beautiful Cities for All

    Sport urbanism is emerging as a powerful concept in the transformation of our cities. This approach advocates for integrating sports into urban design as a green, inclusive solution that enhances the beauty and functionality of public spaces. Sport-based solutions doesn't just make cities more attractive; they also turn public areas into vibrant hubs that promote well-being, public health, and environmental sustainability. By placing sports at the heart of urban regeneration, we can create spaces that are aesthetically pleasing and serve as collective spaces for communities, fostering social connections and improving the quality of life for all residents.


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  • Uma fotografia a preto e branco de pessoas a caminhar no exterior de um edifício com o logótipo da Rede de Planeamento de Ação ARCHETHICS URBACT

    Se estas paredes falassem: valores democráticos através de património dissonante

    As eleições europeias já passaram, vejamos então como os locais de património controversos podem promover valores democráticos nas cidades europeias.

    Maria José Efigénio

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  • URBACT NUP / EUI UCP menetrend 2024. második félévre

    Ismerje meg 2024. év második félévére tervezett programjainkat és az aktuális / várható felhívások menetrendjét!

    URBACT Nemzeti Kontakt Pont

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  • Luftaufnahme des Spinelli-Quartiers in Mannheim.

    Veranstaltung: Klimaneutrale und klimaangepasste Städte gemeinsam gestalten

    Die Nationale Kontaktstelle für URBACT und der Eurpäischen Stadtinitiative (EUI) organisiert im Rahmen des Bundeskongress Nationale Stadtentwicklungspolitik am 18. September 2024 in Heidelberg von 11:00 bis 15:15 Uhr die Arena V "Klimaneutrale und klimaangepasste Städte gemeinsam gestalten".

    Lilian Krischer

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