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  • “Card4future: EU funding opportunities for taking city cards to the next level”

    CARD4ALL is a Transfer network of the URBACT programme focused on the implementation of innovative services and technologies through a Citizen Card System. Building on the city card experience of the

  • Ako obyvatelia a podnikatelia vdýchli život centru mesta: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Heerlen (Holandsko)

    Mnoho obyvateľov mesta Heerlen na juhu Holandska sa nazdávalo, že ich mesto by uvítalo zmenu. Nevedeli však, ako to docieliť. Zapojením sa do siete URBACT získalo mesto potrebné inšpirácie a

  • Udine's Transfer Story - How Udine improved the Playful Paradigm and addressed COVID-19 challenges

    An article written by Bruno Grizzaffi, Project Coordinator; Raffella Lioce, Project Coordinator and Stefania Pascut, Good Practice Expert

  • “ACTive NGOs” pārneses tīkla ceļojums turpinās, lai veidotu kopienu telpas vietējo ekosistēmu attīstībai

    Aprīļa sākums ES programmas URBACT projekta “Rīgas NVO nams – nevalstisko organizāciju un pašvaldības sadarbības platforma” (ACTive NGOs) dalībniekiem bija atkal redzēšanās svētki un nozīmīgs pārskata

  • Everyone can learn how to play! | by Katowice · Transfer Stories

    How to transfer what the URBACT OnStage project has meant for the city of Katowice? Here is the Transfer Story developed by this Polish city of 292.000 inhabitants.

  • Aarhus' URBACT OnStage Transfer story

    Aarhus' URBACT OnStage Transfer story consists of a Best Practice reflection and an interview with the leader of the Aarhus Music School, Lars-Ole Vestergaard, and a visual journey narrated from the

  • Mapping the Transfer Journey

    A retrospective and scenario exercise for the Civic eState network

    Words by Liat Rogel, URBACT Expert

  • OnStage... to leave no one behind! | by Adelfia · Transfer Stories

    How has Adelfia's URBACT OnStage transfer journey touched the city's different stakeholders? Here is a video that summarizes what the project has meant for this southern Italian city of 17,000

  • Включете се във Фестивала на градовете по Програма УРБАКТ за 2021 г.

    Включете се във Фестивала на градовете по Програма УРБАКТ за 2021 г. Тази година ще се проведе 4-то издание на Фестивала. За първи път, обаче, той се организира он-лайн.