Ian Graham

Edited on 20/03/2024

Ian Graham

  • English, French, Spanish, Dutch
Picture of Ian Graham
Availability :
Available for Lead Expert role and Ad-hoc expertise missions

Validated Expert info

Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:

  1. The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
  2. Thematic expertise:
    > Digital Transition
    > Social Innovation
    > Participatory Governance
    > Knowledge Economy
  3. Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
    > Integrated and participatory design of strategies
    > Sustaining engagement of stakeholders and translating strategies into actions


Expert in Sustainable Urban Development, participatory methods and co-design, facilitation of transnational events, workshops, panels and meetings (experienced and comfortable in the design and delivery for both in person, hybrid and online formats). I'm always open for a conversation about ideas and happy to share my insights and knowledge. I have particular expertise in digital inclusion, digital transition, city and social innovation, and action plan implementation.

I have worked in city and social innovation for 18 years, both directly for cities and as an independent consultant, expert and facilitator. I have a wide range of experience with URBACT and related programmes (eg UIA) and I have experience leading URBACT networks from both the "Expertise side" and the "city side" through three different types of network:
Digi-Inclusion and DigiPlace Action Planning Networks (Lead Expert)
Stay Tuned Implementation Network (Lead Expert) 
Genius Open Pilot Transfer Network (Lead Partner - overall project director for City of York, UK)

I have also done significant work at URBACT programme level, having been a Digital Support Expert during the pandemic, a Strategic Expert for Implementation, and also conducted Ad Hoc work for a variety of networks and topics, including TechRevolution, GenderedLandscape, Playful Paradigm, CITIES4CSR and TechTown.

I have also presented or led sessions at many flagship URBACT events, including:

City Festival 2022 - moderated the keynote panel on Human Centred Digital Transitions
eUniversity 2022 - Keynote presentation and discussion on Turning Ideas into Action
EWRC 2021 - moderated URBACT panel "Digital for the People – It’s more than Tech!"
eUniversity 2020 - eManager, presenting on Planning Actions
EWRC 2019 - panel moderation on URBACT Results Frameworks
EWRC 2018 - led URBACT Interactive Workshop on Implementation - "Turning Ideas into Action"
Summer University 2016 - group facilitator