Validated Expert info
Expert can perform the Lead expert role and Ad hoc expertise missions at network and programme level in relation to:
- The design and delivery of (transnational) exchange and learning activities
- Thematic expertise:
> Food
> Local economy
> Digital transformation
> Energy transition - Methods and tools for integrated and participatory approaches:
> Monitoring and evaluation for effective implementation
Having 33 years of experience, I was validated as URBACT III Lead Expert (May 2015) and Urbact IV Lead Expert (April 2023).
I worked as LE with the City of Rome supporting for 5 years the 2 Waves of the Transfer Network called RU:RBAN.
Since April 2018 i followed the URBACT Method guiding the 11 participating cities and their ULGs to transfer the policy topic of the project. https://urbact.eu/networks/rurban.
I was also the core Technical Advisor for the city of Trikala supporting the VILAWATT UTM project: Innovative local public-private-citizen partnership for energy governance, that was among the 5 projects approved for this special call that succesfully compined UIA and URBACT programs https://urbact.eu/networks/vilawatt.
In addition to my strong involvement in URBACT III, I took part in other activitiies in the framework of URBACT III:
1. Transfer Network Campus moderation, being evaluated as the best moderators in all countries Campuses.
2. URBACT City Festivals (Lisbon and Paris),
3. Moderating capacity building online workshops for cities representatives and also
4. The official evaluation of the EU National URBACT Points for their performance during URBACT III period (in high program level).
5. The adaptation of the new URBACT IV TOOLBOX AND TOOLS FOR EFFECTIVE TRANSFER, along with 6 other very experienced Lead Experts.
I am a business expert in sustainable integrated urban development (since 1992). Mine specialties are in urban & regional development, integrated and participatory policies, EU Structural Funds programs support, Multilevel governance, Integrated approach for urban regeneration and local -regional RIS3. My long-time experience in urban and regional projects includes more thematic expertise as equality, inclusion, diversity - job & skills & other ESF related policy issues (structural and national funds).
During 2021-2022 I worked as project manager and facilitator in 2 massive exchange programs by EU, having prepared the proposals and the exchange framework:
A. The International City Partnerships: Acting for Green and Inclusive Recovery is a project of the European Union and managed by DG REGIO of the EU - City pairings with Gwangu & Athens Metropolitan Areas https://c.ramboll.com/international-city-cooperation Themes of Cooperation: Air Quality & Climate change
B. International Urban Cooperation programme (IUC) (2016-2020), IURC aims to lead and develop a form of decentralised international urban and regional cooperation in the fields of sustainable urban development and innovation. Region pairings with Attica, Greece & Colima,Mexico. https://www.iurc.eu/about/
Since July 2023 I am supporting as Lead Expert the city of Trikala (TechDiversity APN).
I was a Jury member of the New European Bauhaus awards 2023 working for DG Regio.
more can be found: https://kkc.gr/