

05/06/2019 08/08/2022


How can we improve urban green spaces in order to promote mental and physical health for our communities? Health&Greenspace Action Planning Network links green infrastructure design and management to urban health policies and practices. The project focuses on physical and mental health benefits of urban green spaces, as well as their role in improving social health and air quality and reducing heat stress in cities. Actions targeted by the network are linked to both physical changes to the urban environment and the promotion of social activities such as community, cultural, education and physical activity programs in green areas.




LEAD PARTNER : 12th District of Budapest (Hegyvidék) - Hungary
  • Tartu - Estonia
  • Santa Pola - Spain
  • Espoo - Finland
  • Limerick - Ireland
  • Messina - Italy
  • Breda - Netherlands
  • Poznań - Poland
  • Suceava - Romania


  • Kick-off meeting Phase 1
  • Kick-off meeting Phase 2
  • Activation meeting, Health&Greenspace Academy, Thematic Working Groups
  • Small scale actions starting
  • Integrated Action Plans ready, Peer-review sessions
  • Street Greening for Health and Wellbeing Outcomes

    In European cities, streets occupy on an average 25-35% of the urban space. This means that a large amount of public space is dedicated to cars. A city is a complex ecosystem, and each part of the system has a function: streets are supposed to be used to move goods and humans. But can they also have other functions?

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Greener Cities - Healthier Communities Conference and Workshop

    We are delighted to invite you to the International Conference and Workshop: Greener Cities - Healthier Communities in Limerick City Hall on May 31, 2022 (in-person event), Ireland. The conference is being organized by the City of Limerick, the project partner of the URBACT Health & Greenspace Action Planning Network. 

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Thematic report: Using Urban Greenery to Improve Air Quality

    This thematic report discusses improving air quality with greenery.

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Trees for the future - small-scale action of Messina

    Small scale action in Messina: planting cypress, oak and myrtle trees

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Ecosystem Service Analysis enables comprehensive perspectives for planning the benefits of nature in a city

    Espoo is one of the very first cities to use ecosystem service study as a perspective for planning the blue and green infrastructure and future land use of the city. To achieve this, Espoo created an Ecosystem Service Analysis, in which the spatial variations in the number of different regulating, maintenance and cultural ecosystem services are mapped at the selected area.

    Viktoria Soos

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  • Small green space interventions aiming at health benefits can trigger massive change

    Spending only two hours a week in nature can do a lot for our health, according to a research from the University of Exeter. It was found that positive health benefits peak around 4 hours of exposure to nature. But spending more than 5 hours had no further benefits. The positive impacts were evident for both young and old, men and women, and for people with different health status. Furthermore, it is not necessary to do physical exercise for health benefits, it is sufficient to simply sit on a bench.

    Tamas Kallay

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Integrated Action Plans

Municipality of MESSINA - Integrated Action Plan

Read more here !

Messina - Italy
The Green Integrated Action Plan for Poznan

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Poznan - Poland
Hegyvidék, Budapest 12 Integrated Action Plan

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Hegyvidék, Budapest 12 - Hungary
A Climate-conscious Action Plan for Urban Space (Re)design in Tartu

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Tartu - Estonia
A new park in Breda Integrated Action Plan

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Breda - The Netherlands
Limerick Integrated Action Plan

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Limerick - Ireland
Santa Pola Integrated Action Plan

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Santa Pola - Spain
Suceava Integrated Action Plan

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Suceava - Romania
Espoo´s Integrated Action Plan for health-responsive blue-green infrastructure

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Espoo - Finland


  • Articles
    Rolul URBACT în modelarea achizițiilor publice inovatoare și responsabile

    Realizarea politicii UE la nivel local în cazul achizițiilor publice

    După șapte ani de contribuție a URBACT la Agenda Urbană a Parteneriatul UE pentru achiziții publice inovatoare și responsabile, reflectăm asupra unor învățături și constatări cheie.

  • Articles
    First approach to the selection of experiments after the ideation phase The 5th Transnational Meeting was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024

    First approach to the selection of experiments after the ideation phase The 5th Transnational Meeting was held in Isernia, Italy, on June 18-19, 2024

    This 5th Transnational Meeting is a testament to the vitality of our network, with the participation of our 10 partners who were present for this meeting. They reaffirmed their commitment and