
Finding our niches for sustainable local economic development

25/06/2019 05/08/2022


iPlace is a journey where the partner cities are fellow travellers who are always seeking to find niches appropriate for their cities, while deepening their understanding of the nuances that make their cities special, with the determination to use the knowledge they gained for nesting new ideas that will sprout more sustainable local economic development.



Lead Partner : Amarante - Portugal
  • Gabrovo - Bulgaria
  • Medina del Campo - Spain
  • Saldus - Latvia
  • Heerlen - Netherlands
  • Kočevje - Slovenia
  • Balbriggan - Ireland
  • Grosseto - Italy
  • Pärnu - Estonia
  • Pori - Finland


Kick-Off Meetingonfigure

Integrated Action Plans

Gabravo Integrated Action Plan

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Gabravo - Bulgaria
Amarante Integrated Action Plan

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Amarante - Portugal
"The time is now" Pori Integrated Action Plan

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Pori - Finland
Pärnu Integrated Action Plan

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Pärnu - Estonia
Saldus Integrated Action Plan

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Saldus - Latvia
Kočevje Integrated Action Plan

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Kočevje - Slovenia
Medina Del Campo Integrated Action Plan

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Medina Del Campo - Spain
Heerlen Integrated Action Plan

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Heerlen - Netherlands
Grosseto Integrated Action Plan

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Grosseto - Italy
Balbriggan Integrated Action Plan

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Balbriggan - Ireland


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