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  • Articles

    The political will: a key point for the success of Vilawatt’s Transferability Plan

    We are always speaking about the main 5 pillars of Vilawatt project: a local energy governance structure; green energy supply; new local currency, new training and assessment services, and increase of

  • Articles

    Financiamento de Bens Comuns Urbanos. Parte II

    Como podem os bens comuns urbanos ser financiados? A rede Civic eState analisa oportunidades nos fundos estruturais da UE e instrumentos de investimento financeiro com o Banco Europeu de Investimento.

  • Articles

    Com.Unity.Lab tool booklets

    The Lisbon Bip/Zip toolbox is composed by four tools: mapping, grants, task-force and CLLD network. The booklets provide in-depth information on each tool in Lisbon and how it is being transferred in

  • Articles

    Watch now the Playful Paradigm Final Event!

    The recordings are publicly available. Want a quick overview? Take a look at the graphic harvest.

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    Innovation & Health Unite in the Healthy Re-development of Falerna’s Technological Park

    The small Italian town of Falerna is committed to enabling the behaviors and lifestyles that foster a healthy population. Through the Healthy Cities Lifestyle Deep Dive, Falerna is developing

  • Articles

    A városközpontból való kijutás. Lássuk mi épült mostanában Varasdon?

    Varasd lakosai imádják a történelmi városközpontban található, rózsaszín homlokzattal rendelkező, barokk palotákról szóló történeteket, miközben igen büszkék a szépen megőrzött városra. Azonban

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    Innovato-R - Transfer Story from Rotterdam

    "The Innovato-R Transfer Network links very nicely to our existing activities and approach in Rotterdam. Social innovation is in the DNA our city, and the project has been a key opportunity to further

  • Articles

    Innovato-R on line Workshop in Turin (Italy)

    The online workshop reviewed the conclusion of the five winning projects and analysed how to combine bottom-up change with top-down change.

  • Wie reaktiviert man leerstehende, sanierungsbedürftige Wohngebäude?

    Online-Abschlussveranstaltung des URBACT-Netzwerks ALT/BAU

    In vielen europäischen historischen Stadtzentren gibt es aufgrund des demografischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Wandels immer mehr