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  • Articles

    Cities implementing the right to housing

    The EU Cities Forum 2020, held in Porto, provided the perfect time and location to launch a new URBACT and UIA (Urban Innovative Actions) joint initiative on implementing the right to housing across

  • Articles

    A focus on Barcelona's Community Balance: a protocol for the granting process and evaluation of the Citizen Assets

    The Citizen Assets Program develops a series of criteria and principles that define what we conceive by community management and use. These criteria should allow us to define, evaluate and justify

  • News

    Cities engaging in the right to housing

    Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and URBACT are joining forces on housing!

  • PPP practise and innovation- Toulose case study

    Toulouse Metropole shared their experience about every stage of preparing a PPP project: from planning, negotiating and selecting an operator, through contract drafting (division of risk and profits)

  • Articles

    LAComicsFestival Vol.2 – a week of playful energy in Larissa for games and arts lovers.

    Τη νέα αυτή χρονιά που αποτελεί και το κλείσιμο της τρέχουσας προγραμματικής περιόδου για το URBACT 2014-2020, με κοινό παρονομαστή τη διαφύλαξη της δημόσιας υγείας και την τήρηση των μέτρων
  • Putting sense into public spending and creating partnerships with the private sector - by Piotr Wołkowiński

    The “click” came, when a public procurement  officer realised that her decisions could influence what her daughter ate at lunchtime in the school canteen.

  • Articles

    Educational Ecosystems 360: Territories Connected for Equity

    Educational Ecosystems 360: Territories Connected for Equity is the title of the Annual Workshop of the Education Alliance 360, which was held 5 February 2020 in Barcelona. The Education Alliance 360

  • Articles

    ON BOARD visits Tallinn

    Along the first week of December, 3rd, 4th and 5th, Tallinn (Estonia) hosted the fourth Transnational Meeting. The six ON BOARD cities gathered once again to work with different stakeholders and

  • Articles

    Com.Unity.Lab Sofia prototyping a Social Cohesion Map

    “In 2050 the citizens of Sofia enjoy good opportunities for realization and environment, where they can achieve high quality of life. They love their city and have a sense of belonging to it