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  • DIGI-INCLUSION rīcības plānošanas tīkla dalībnieki paraksta kopīgu politisko deklarāciju par apņemšanos veicināt digitālo iekļaušanu

    2024. gada 24. septembrī visi deviņi URBACT IV programmas projekta DIGI-INCLUSION partneri parakstīja politisko nodomu deklarāciju par digitālajām tiesībām, lai veicinātu digitālo iekļaušanu savās

  • Articles
    People taking part to the small scale action

    Unlocking the potential of rural villages

    In just 15 minutes, discover how Tori Vald is transforming mobility and empowering small communities through sustainability and innovation.

  • Τι θα συμβεί με τις θέσεις εργασίας, όταν οι πόλεις γίνουν κλιματικά ουδέτερες;

    Οι πιθανές επιπτώσεις της πράσινης μετάβασης στο πεδίο της απασχόλησης.

  • ""

    Interreg komanda sveic Interreg programmas 20 gadu jubilejā Latvijā!

    Interreg komanda sirsnīgi sveic Latviju ar nozīmīgu notikumu – Interreg programmu 20 gadu jubileju Latvijā. Pēdējo divdesmit gadu laikā Latvija ir bijusi spilgts piemērs tam, cik spēcīga ir pārrobežu

  • News

    BiodiverCity Peer Learning Event: Poljčane combined nature and urban solutions!

    We spent a fantastic two days in Poljčane for the BiodiverCity Peer Learning Event, where cities and experts together explored how nature-based solutions can be applied to fight. 

  • News
    Working sessions with the lead expert


    On the 23rd, 24th, and 25th of September, the fourth transnational meeting of the DIGI-INCLUSION network was held in Iasi (Romania) and was attended by delegations from all network partners. 


  • Partners from the Cities for Sustainability Governance network holding boxes representing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Source: Cities for Sustainability Governance.

    Mestá na ceste k udržateľnej správe: 9 miest a 9 príbehov o prekonávaní prekážok...

    9 miest siete URBACT (vrátane slovenských Košíc a českého Jablonca nad Nisou) je priekopníkmi v oblasti udržateľnej správy alebo riadenia miest s cieľom odstrániť nedostatky v plnení cieľov

  • Articles
    Partners from the Cities for Sustainability Governance network holding boxes representing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Source: Cities for Sustainability Governance.

    Cities for Sustainability Governance: 9 stories about overcoming the action gap… from the cities themselves

    Nine URBACT Network cities pioneer sustainability governance to close the action gap towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).