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    "Cultura com todos": a criação de cidades culturalmente inclusivas está a mudar o modo como os decisores políticos das capitais abordam o seu trabalho

    Cidades felizes, saudáveis e prósperas são ricas em cultura, mas a cultura não enriquece nem empodera todas as pessoas de igual modo.

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    Consolidarea rezistentei economice în orasele mici bazate pe turism in mijlocul pandemiei Covid-19

    URBACT ajută deja orașele mai mici bazate pe turism să-și imagineze viitorul în urma pandemiei Covid-19.

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    Making Spend Matter - Summer Newsletter

    Welcome to the fifth issue of Making Spend Matter Newsletter bringing you the latest updates from our Network on progressive public procurement, spend analysis and anchor institution cooperation.

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    A virtual Masterclass to reflect on Online Communities in the time of Covid-19.

    In this difficult period workers need to ask many questions regarding how to manage professional dynamics which so far have been taken for granted. Among these are dynamics ruling sociality: the

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    Mesta mestom: Mladinski center Idrija

    Mladinski centri izvajajo programe za mlade v lokalni skupnosti. Skrbijo za delovanje in druženje posameznikov in mladinskih organizacij, zagotavljajo pa tudi prostore in nudijo pogoje za razvoj

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    Strengthening resiliency in small tourist-led cities amid Covid-19

    URBACT is already helping smaller cities reliant on tourism to re-imagine their future in the wake of Covid-19.

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    Obnova odľahlých lokalít s aktívnou účasťou obyvateľov: inšpiratívny príklad z mesta Brno (Česká republika)

    Okolité oblasti patriace mestu Brno nemajú vybudovanú vhodnú infraštruktúru a majú slabé sociálne väzby. Pri riešení týchto problémov mesto využíva nástroje operačného programu URBACT, pomocou ktorých

  • Healthy Cities during COVID-19; Accelerating from planning to action

    By Dr.Sebastiaan van Herk, lead expert Healthy Cities, and Sofia Aivalioti, Ad Hoc Expert Healthy Cities

    The COVID-19 pandemic that has sent the world into lockdown has also affected, but not derailed

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    Европейската Зелена сделка – нов Фонд за модернизация, нови възможности и стари проблеми

    14 милиарда евро за енергиен преход на държавите-членки