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  • Climate action

    Five great ideas for greener cities

    These local green solutions are inspiring cities across the EU. Could they work in your city too?

  • Articles

    Първата "умна" детска градина в България

    В столичната 76-та детска градина се внедряват решения за качеството на въздуха и зелената енергия, които могат да се разраснат

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    Проучване по Програма ЕСПОН

    Проучване за дигиталната трансформация на общините

  • Articles

    Região de Coimbra: Um milhão de estórias gastronómicas

    A alimentação e todo o seu ciclo - desde a criação, ao cultivo, produção, confeção, até à mesa - integra reflexos das vivências culturais e patrimónios alimentares de um povo e do seu território. A

  • Articles

    City video URGE: OesteCIM

    The fifth of a series of city videos of URGE - the URBACT Action Planning Network on the theme of Circular building cities.

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    Intervija ar Viesturu Celmiņu: Mēs vēlamies tehnoloģijas veidot, ne tikai tās patērēt

    Uz sarunu aicinām pilsētplānotāju un VEFRESH inovāciju kvartāla vadītāju Viesturu Celmiņu, lai aprunātos par to, kā radās ideja uzsākt VEFRESH, kā ir attīstījusies VEF apkaime, un kādos URBACT un

  • Articles

    The impact of tourism on urban environment: strategies and actions to make tourism destinations green and sustainable

    The online Transnational Meeting held on 14 and 15 July 2021 had a focus on the environmental dimension of tourism, one of the main layers of Tourism Friendly Cities. The case of Druskininkai and the

  • Seven Summer Browsings for City Enthusiasts

    Find out more about URBACT Transfer Networks and take action on the most pressing urban challenges.

  • Six Summer Podcasts for City Enthusiasts

    Open your ears and listen to the latest on urban development issues from URBACT experts and cities!