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    Missa inte Mål11 konferensen nästa vecka!

    Nu är det bara 5 dagar kvar till konferensen ”Mål 11-veckan om hållbara städer och samhällen”. Som dock inte är en vecka utan 3 dagar.

  • Articles

    URBACT lokalne skupine? Težave na vidiku!

    URBACT lokalna skupina (URBACT Local Group ali ULG v angleščini) je ključni element  metodologije programa URBACT in je sestavni del vseh omrežij. Toda, kaj je lokalna skupina? URBACT lokalna skupina

  • Articles

    Vilawatt Scorecard: when a picture is worth a thousand words - TM1

    At the first Transnational Meeting (TM1) with all Vilawatt Project partner cities, last May 2021, a key element that will help guide the transfer process of the Vilawatt Innovative Practice was

  • Articles

    Covid walks, societal change, and rethinking public spaces

    Take a stroll through the solutions URBACT towns and cities are finding to ensure shared spaces meet citizens’ evolving needs.

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    Vilawatt Scorecard: when a picture is worth a thousand words

    At the first Transnational Meeting (TM1) with all Vilawatt Project partner cities, last May 2021, a key element that will help guide the transfer process of the Vilawatt Innovative Practice was

  • Articles

    Nueva edición de URBACT e-University

    ¡Vuelve el evento de capacitación de URBACT los días 1, 2 y 3 de febrero!

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    SIBdev online transnational meetings - From Network to a Family

    Transnational meetings are at the heart of all Networks, and SIBdev is no exception. The Covid pandemic has caused a great challenge in this regard which could only be overcome by introducing new

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    Kisléptékű akciók: egy URBACT-innováció, amely segíti a városokat a helyi megoldások kikísérletezésében

    A közösségi bevonástól a zöld városi sétákig a kísérletek EU-szerte javítják a várospolitikai döntéshozatalt.


    A kisléptékű akciók új dinamikát adtak az URBACT-hálózatoknak. 

  • Articles

    Azioni su piccola scala: un’innovazione URBACT che aiuta le città a sperimentare soluzioni locali

    Dalle assemblee comunitarie alle passeggiate in una città verde, le sperimentazioni stanno migliorando le politiche urbane in tutta l'UE.