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    Alba Iulia started the developing of the Smart City strategy

    Digital transformation has become a need and a priority in public administrations that pursue a strategic approach to digitizing public services, increasing the standard of living, and focusing on

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    How young is too young to learn about entrepreneurial spirit?

    Tallinn answered this question under the framework of the transnational URBACT III “ON BOARD Connecting cities through education” project. The answer will surprise you!

  • Mida on Brno õppinud OnStage projektist?

    The baseline study is a development phase requirement for all URBACT networks. It is a capitalisation exercise, providing partners with an opportunity to start their work with a sound underpinning of
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    URBACT da una calurosa bienvenida a la Nueva Carta de Leipzig

    Os presentamos los principios actualizados de la UE en materia de desarrollo urbano sostenible de las ciudades europeas y a la contribución de URBACT a esta renovación.

  • Articles

    How young is too young to learn about entrepreneurial spirit?

    Tallinn answered this question under the framework of the transnational URBACT III “ON BOARD Connecting cities through education” project. The answer will surprise you!

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    Aveiro Tech City is an initiative promoted by the City of Aveiro which aims to use technology as a means to improve the quality of living of local citizens and helping governance entities to collect

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    This year 2020 that is about to finish was difficult and strange for everyone, specially for those that have suffered directly the pandemic. At the beginning, when we were preparing our Transnational

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    Mesta mestom: Oživitev Male tržnice

    Tržnice v mestih so pogosto srce družbene vitalnosti skupnosti. Igrajo pomembno vlogo v lokalnem sistemu prehrane, celovitem razvijanju prostorov in gospodarskem razvoju nekega območja. Poleg

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    Would a strategic approach towards Local Economic Development make small cities more resilient?

    Small cities are often at a higher risk for the negative impacts of global trends that lead to economic downturns. At the same time, they are the places where a significant percentage of the