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  • Apel pentru 100 de orașe neutre și inteligente din punct de vedere climatic (suport și finanțare incluse!)

    Comisia Europeană (prin DG Cercetare și Inovare) a lansat un apel de exprimare a interesului adresat orașelor de a se alătura unei noi Misiuni europene privind orașele neutre din punct de vedere

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    Покана от Френското председателство на Съвета на ЕС

    Френските министри на зеления преход и жилищната политика, Барбара Помпили и Емануел Варгон отправят покана до общините за участие в онлайн симпозиум.

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    Glasgow’s Journey towards the 2030 Agenda

    Race to net zero and climate resilience: localising the SDGs through meaningful participation and co-creation.

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    Το ReUżytkownia (κατάστημα επανάχρησης) στην καρδιά του Όπολε άνοιξε!

    Το "ReUżytkownia", το οποίο ιδρύθηκε στην οδό Książąt Opolskich στο κέντρο της πόλης Opole, άνοιξε τις πόρτες του για το κοινό στις 19 Νοεμβρίου. Λειτουργεί ως ένας κεντρικός χώρος ανταλλαγής

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    „Walk and Roll Cities“: Ein Wandel hin zu menschengerechten Straßen

    Space4People, Thriving Streets und RiConnect haben eines gemeinsam: Sie alle sind URBACT-Netzwerke, die das Verhältnis zwischen Verkehr und öffentlichem Raum erforschen, um nachhaltige, integrative

  • „URBACT ist ein perfekter Ausdruck von Europa!“

    Im Gespräch schauen Emmanuel Moulin und Tilman Buchholz zurück auf zehn Jahre URBACT, ziehen Bilanz und wagen einen Ausblick in die Zukunft. Das Interview führte Heike Mages.

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    Small green space interventions aiming at health benefits can trigger massive change

    Spending only two hours a week in nature can do a lot for our health, according to a research from the University of Exeter. It was found that positive health benefits peak around 4 hours of exposure

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    Eight exciting URBACT developments to look out for in 2022!

    As URBACT prepares to welcome more, diverse towns and cities, what highlights can we expect in the programme’s year ahead?

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    O scurtă prezentare a noutăților rețelei URBACT, inclusiv sfaturi pentru orașe pentru a stimula diversitatea în afaceri și participarea cetățenilor