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    Apstiprināti 7 jauni URBACT projekti – to starpā 3 projekti ar Latvijas partneru dalību

    ES līmeņa pilsētvides attīstības programmas URBACT III Uzraudzības komiteja otrajā konkursā ir apstiprinājusi 7 pārneses tīklu (Transfer Networks) projektus, to starpā arī 3 projektus ar Latvijas

  • Articles

    A Million Food Stories , by CIM Região de Coimbra

    Food and its entire cycle - from breeding, to cultivation, to production, to cooking, to the table - reflect the cultural experiences and food heritage of a people and its territory. The Coimbra

  • Articles

    Focus on Women in Tech and Innovation

    The context is very important for taking the step to entrepreneurship as a choice. It includes social, cultural, political, economic, technological aspects. To get more women to choose

  • Articles

    „Cities Fit for Future“: Webreihe reflektiert Neue Leipzig-Charta mit kommunaler Praxis

    Aufzeichnungen von neuen Veranstaltungen im Rahmen der Online-Konferenzserie sind jetzt verfügbar.

  • Think Globally, Act Locally

    Pilot Action Programmes were commissioned for the first time by URBACT to engage citizens in the project theme. The pilot action programme aim for C-Change was to support understanding and action on

  • Articles

    Le 5 cose che abbiamo appreso dall’URBACT Festival 2021

    Sono più di 1.000 le persone che hanno partecipato tra il 15 ed il 17 giugno all’URBACT Festival, il più importante evento di confronto, apprendimento e scambio organizzato dal programma di

  • Articles

    A szabadtéri edzőhelyek megismertetése a lakossággal

    Amikor Espoo-ban a Covid-19 járvány miatt bezárták az összes fedett sportlétesítményt, a kültéri edzőterületek népszerűbbé váltak, mint valaha. Szerencsénk volt - ez csak azért volt lehetséges, mert

  • Bring down the curtain on C-Change

    We’ve just had our final meeting and I wanted to share my thoughts...

  • Carbon Literacy Training adapted for the virtual world

    As part of its capacity building objective, MAST through C-Change wanted to create 100 free Carbon Literacy Places in a new online learning format. The aims of this training were to help the network