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  • Articles
    People taking agreements around a table

    Funding the "30-minutes city"


    ECONNECTING network is developing Integrated Action Plans (IAPs) focusing on sustainable urban-rural mobility solutions within the 30-minute territory. To actualize this vision, cities need to secure

  • URBACT-Good-Practice-Call: 249 gute Stadtentwicklungs-Maßnahmen eingereicht

    184 europäische Städte nutzten die Chance ihre vorbildhafte Stadtentwicklungs-Maßnahme bekannt zu machen und bewarben sich auf die Auszeichnung als URBACT-Good-Practice.

  • Would you win a gold medal if sustainable urban development was an Olympic sport?

  • News

    URBACT programos kvietimui pateikti 249 gerosios praktikos pavyzdžiai!

    184 Europos miestai pasinaudojo galimybe pasidalinti savo gerais darbais, tikėdamiesi gauti URBACT gerosios praktikos ženklą.

  • Articles
    photo group from transnational meeting in Greece

    Green and Digital Transition in Rural Areas


    What does “green transition” mean? What should local governments do to boost the “digital transition”?  These themes were central to discussions at the last ECONNECTING Transnational Meeting in

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    249 prijav za URBACT dobre prakse


    184 mest je do 30. junija 2024 izkoristilo priložnost, da delijo, kaj delajo dobro, in upajo, da bodo prejela oznako URBACT dobra praksa. 

  • Articles

    Čo sa dialo v máji 2024 v Liège? Preskúmajte projekty "EU City Lab" o verejnom obstarávaní potravín

    V máji sa v Liège v Belgicku konalo druhé "EU City Lab" o miestnych potravinových systémoch. Čítajte ďalej a dozviete sa viac o využívaní verejného obstarávania na zabezpečenie miestnych a

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    249 Boas Práticas submetidas no âmbito do concurso URBACT!

    184 cidades aproveitaram a oportunidade para partilhar o que fazem bem, na esperança de receberem o selo URBACT de Boas Práticas.