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  • Transport for Greater Manchester

    Our partner Transport for Greater Manchester is preparing a set of specific strategies to rethink mobility and street space, and RiConnect will be a valuable forum to enrich the discussion

  • URBACT Online kurzus - stratégiai közbeszerzés, 2021. márciusától

    Az URBACT egy ingyenes online kurzust hirdet stratégiai közbeszerzés témában.

  • Webinar dell’Urban Development Network: UIA, risultati raggiunti e prospettive

    Complementare all’expertise e alle esperienze del programma URBACT III, l’Urban Development Network (UDN) è una rete di città dell’Unione Europea finalizzata all’implementazione di azioni di sviluppo


    В навечерието на коледните и новогодишни празници община Бургас награди най-добрите проекти, отличили се в състезанието за предприемачески идеи BurgasBlueS, насочени към развитие на синята икономика

  • Prešov and urban commons: a few words with Peter Formela

    Prešov's project manager Peter Formela introduces the involvement of the Slovakian city in the Civic eState Network and how they are working to recover an abandoned public space

    Inteview by Matúš Žák

  • Prešov and urban commons: a few words with Peter Formela

    Prešov's project manager Peter Formela introduces the involvement of the Slovakian city in the Civic eState Network and how they are working to recover an abandoned public space

    Inteview by Matúš Žák

  • URBACT pozdravlja usvajanje Nove povelje iz Leipziga

    Njemačko predsjedništvo Vijećem Europske unije ispunilo je obećanje da će obnoviti načela Europske unije o održivim europskim gradovima putem Nove povelje iz Leipziga (u nastavku: NLC). Usvojena 30

  • Healthy Bradford

    Our vision is to create an urban environment that is distinctive, successful and a great place to live, work and play.  The ultimate idea is to create a Healthy City where our inner-city population