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  • SAVE THE DATE: 13 y 14 de mayo evento presencial URBACT y EDUSI en A Coruña

    Los días 13 y 14 de mayo de 2021 el Punto Nacional URBACT junto al Ayuntamiento de A Coruña organizamos “Del Huerto a la Ciudad”, una jornada conjunta entre URBACT y EDUSI sobre políticas alimentarias

  • Articles

    The Climate Kid - A Superhero we all need!

    The Climate kid works with schoolchildren on a sustainable living environment

    The City of Vilvoorde launched the Climate kid on 20 February 2018. Its mission is to make it clear to children of the 3rd

  • Articles

    Transfer Story: Zagreb "Block Badel" challenge

    “Indeed, the move to connect public subsidy and private compliance must be understood in the context of the post-war history of urban redevelopment initiatives, most of which have been considered

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    Alphen aan den Rijn: Becoming a Green-Blue City!

    Alphen aan den Rijn is a municipality in the Dutch province of South-Holland. Originally a Roman city, it industrialised in the 19th and 20th centuries. The outlying area and villages are centred

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    Mit tanultunk a városok Covid-19 járványra adott válaszaiból? A következő, 2021 januárjában íródott cikk erre igyekszik válaszokat adni.

    Azonnali „taktikai beavatkozások” a közterület használatában


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    #MolinadeSegura4CSR: “Mi Sueño Fátima”

    Molina de Segura is one of 10 project partners lead by the Municipality of Milan that participates to the URBACT CITIES4CSR project. 

  • Articles

    #MolinadeSegura4CSR: “Mi Sueño Fátima”

    Molina de Segura is one of 10 project partners lead by the Municipality of Milan that participates to the URBACT CITIES4CSR project. 

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    ULG VIEWS, Óscar Álvarez Moreno

    URBACT Local Groups are key in the construction of partner cities’ Educational Innovation Networks (EIN). They represent the different stakeholders that will take part in the future Educational

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    Public Procurement, Covid-19, health inequalities, and Playful Paradigm

    by Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson, Ad-Hoc Expert for Playful Paradigm and Co-Trainer of the URBACT Online Course on Strategic Procurement