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  • Women walking on the street

    Gender sensitive public space? Placemaking and spatial justice through the perspective of gender

    Take a trip down memory lane with us. Re-discover stories and reflections that we've captured over the last years. This article was first published in 2018 and, yet, is more relevant than ever. 


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    CityMobilNet at the 5th European Conference on Sustainable Mobility Plans

    Right now, the 14th and 15th of May 2018, the international community of sustainable urban mobility experts, policy makers, scientists and practitioners is gathering in Nicosia, Cyprus for the 5th

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    Lyon Metropolis context and social strategy

    The first version of the Genius process map, produced at the beginning of the project.
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    Former military areas as hubs for urban innovation

    The development of a series of Integrated Action Plans (IAPs) for the reuse of the former military assets, but also in the development of real innovative solutions, to encourage the use of this

  • Genoa Final Conference – Study Visits

    The Interactive Cities Final Conference that we had the honor to host in our city almost two weeks ago, was also the occasion to organize thematic site visits to show to our guests some of the unique

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    Final Report - A roadmap to digital Urban Governance

    The results, the objectives achieved and the work carried out during the project, all summarized in the Final Report, a real Roadmap to Urban Governance.

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    Making a difference with tradition

    An Award to Historical shops to preserve Lisbon’s uniqueness.

    'Shops with a history' is a municipal programme awarding and supporting shops whose historical and cultural heritage contribute to the

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    The role of cities in Smart Specialisation. URBACT IN FOCUS FINAL CONFERENCE

    The URBACT IN FOCUS Final Conference took take place on April 19, 2018 in Bilbao. This event was the perfect framework for celebrating the results of the IN FOCUS project, in which 10 European cities

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    Alba Iulia - Integrated Action Plan

    A better life for the locals in Alba Iulia and a friendly town for the tourists who are visiting us this is how we can resume the scope of all our IAP. Through this integrated strategy Alba Iulia