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    Barcelona, mobility, week,  European Mobility Week

    Nudging Sustainable Transport Choices: Applying Behavioural Science in Mobility

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    The URBACT City Festival 2025

    Salvați data pentru Festivalul orașelor URBACT în 2025!

    Următorul Festival al orașelor URBACT va fi găzduit de Wrocław, Polonia și va avea loc în perioada 8 - 10 aprilie 2025

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    URBACT võrgustike uudised

    Juunis lõppenud Heade Linnapoliitika Praktikate konkursile (Good Practice Call) esitati 249 ettepanekut: 184 linna, asulat ja omavalitsust 32 Euroopa riigist. Eestist laekus konkursile neli taotlust

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    Information about URBACT City Festival 2025 in Wroclaw

    URBACT Linnafestival 2025!

    URBACT Linnafestival toimub 8.-10. aprillil 2025 Wrocławi linnas, Poolas, ning registreerimine avatakse novembris. 

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    URBACT ja EUI ühised City Lab'id

    URBACTi ja Euroopa Linnaalgatuse koostöös on toimumas ürituste sari City Lab. Tegemist on teadmiste jagamise üritustega, kus tutvustatakse häid linnapoliitilisi praktikaid kohaliku toidupoliitika ja

  • Articles
    Tactical Urbanism to test actions in real time experiments in Pristina, Kosovo. Source: Roland Krebs

    A city for everyone: the return of shared public space

    For European Mobility Week URBACT joins the conversation with insights on harnessing mobility to make ‘cities for all’.

  • Articles

    Get to know Ireland’s first Natural Play Area!

    Within the 3rd Core Network Meeting, the BiodiverCity partnership tested Limerick’s first Natural Play Area, which opened in 2022 at the Castletroy Urban Greenway, within the Go Green Routes Horizon

  • Articles

    EU City Lab – når bæredygtigt landbrug skal brødføde byerne

    Kom til URBACTs arrangement i Milano og hør mere om, hvordan byer kan få nytte af bæredygtige lokale fødevaresystemer gennem forskellige landbrugsstrategier!

    EU City Lab on Local Food Systems #3 er en

  • News

    Noteer alvast in je agenda: de data van het URBACT City Festival zijn bekend!

    Het URBACT City Festival wordt gehouden in Wroclaw, Polen, van 8 tot 10 april 2025.