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    The Dublin Cultural Audit and Map project

    Dublin City is a member of the ACCESS Network through the participation of Dublin City Council Culture Company, an independent company formed by the Dublin City Council in March 2018. The Culture

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    Amsterdam Cultural Participation Data Model

    With Amsterdam’s participation in ACCESS, the city’s URBACT Local Group is actively targeting all three themes: data / innovation, decentralization and participation. On September 1, 2020, an

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    International Vilnius Cinema Festival “Kino pavasaris”

    The 25th Vilnius International Film Festival Kino Pavasaris took place online in March 19–April 2, 2020. It is one of the first virtual film festivals in the world. Originally, International Vilnius

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    Celebrating local culture in London

    The Mayor launched London Borough of Culture in June 2017. This new award is inspired by the UK City and European Capital of Culture programmes. The aim is to shine a light on London’s diversity, and

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    The challenge is to find the golden path between everything

    As we tend to know language is one of the most important parts of any culture. It is the way by which people communicate with one another, build relationships and create a sense of community. As

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    The neighbourhood we are now discovering

    Culture plays an important role in finding solutions to the complex issues of today’s urban metropolises. In the second year of this exciting project each city is now working towards engaging the

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    The neighbourhood we are now discovering

    Culture plays an important role in finding solutions to the complex issues of today’s urban metropolises. In the second year of this exciting project each city is now working towards engaging the


    Υπό την ευθύνη του επικεφαλής της μονάδας, ο ασκούμενος θα συμβάλει στην υλοποίηση του επικοινωνιακού σχεδίου του προγράμματος για το 2022, ιδίως σε ότι αφορά το URBACT City Festival για το λανσάρισμα

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    „Campania pentru mobilitate urbană durabilă” de vară din Bistrița

    Acțiunea la scară mică desfășurată de Municipiul Bistrița se referă la o „Campanie pentru Mobilitate Urbană Durabilă”, care încearcă să încurajeze cetățenii să folosească mijloace de transport