• Σύμφωνο των Δημάρχων για το Κλίμα και την Ενέργεια

    Κάντε τώρα την εγγραφή σας: ελάτε να γιορτάσουμε τη δέσμευση των πόλεων για να επιτύχουν την ουδετερότητα άνθρακα


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  • Writing a New Story: Using Heritage-Based Urban Regeneration to Stimulate Urban Resilience by ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp

    Our ad-hoc expert Matthias Ripp, explored in a detailed report how heritage-based urban regeneration can be used as a resource to stimulate urban resilience. He refers to various European projects that were implemented or are still ongoing in the past 10 years. In addition, he developed a set of principles to enable such initiative which can be transferred to different urban contexts.

    Dorothee Fischer

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  • Bragança. Freedom to Start Over

    The “Find Your Greatness” program addresses the challenges highlighted by Alba Iulia (Romania), the leading city of this program, that includes seven more cities from the European Union: Bragança (Portugal), Voru (Estonia), Wroclaw (Poland), Candelária (Canary Islands), Perugia (Italy), Limerick (Ireland) e Budafok (Hungry). The goal is to improve the cities` territorial marketing strategy, through cooperation between European cities, based on the potential of each, and successfully create Europe's first branding strategy building program for smart cities. The planning of the Small Scale Action happened during the sessions of the Urbact Local Group of Bragança, which brought together people from various institutions and professional areas, from the Municipality of Bragança, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Brigantia Ecopark, More – Collaborative Laboratory, Associação de Municípios da Terra Fria do Nordeste Transmontano, and local entrepreneurs.

    Liviu Stanciu

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  • Territoires en commun, la plateforme des coopérations et de l’engagement citoyen.

    Pour aider les collectivités française à construire l’action publique locale avec et par les citoyens, l’Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires (ANCT) lance une nouvelle plateforme numérique dédiée aux démarches de coopération territoriale et d’engagement citoyen.

    Mathieu Copere

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  • Smart cities attract women into STEM sectors

    Women in STEM sectors are without a doubt still highly underrepresented, in training as well as in employment. The same applies for science and that can also affect climate change. Can larger demographic diversity in climate change science result in more climate friendly solutions? And how can a smart city build attention to and connect more with the STEM sector? The main subjects for this hybrid-digital transnational meeting in La Rochelle was dedicated to Gender and STEM (an acronym that stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

    Elisabeth Lind

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  • Arts and culture driving climate activism


    You can act for climate in a different way than you thought of

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    48 000
    • In partnership with

    Building on the experience of Manchester’s Good Practice, Mantova has established ARC3A a new group for arts and culture sector collaboration on climate working closely with the city, designed and implemented climate-themed cultural activities to raise awareness about climate emergency and act to mitigate its effects and a range of sector support and policy measures to frame and drive sector action on climate

    Solutions offered by the good practice

    The small town of Mantova is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with fine architecture, which has a thriving creative scene and hosts hundreds of cultural events, including Italy’s most important literature festival. At the same time, addressing climate change is a key political priority for the city.


    The municipality wanted to encourage more cross-departmental projects and integrated policy-making within the municipality. Having worked with a group of cultural stakeholders in a previous URBACT network, they discovered a strong interest in the links between art and culture and the environment, corresponding with the aims of C-CHANGE.


    The cross-sectoral approach sparked a wealth of ideas and actions to reduce CO2 emissions, including small-scale activities - from reusable cups to bio-gas buses - at cultural events. The group also directly contributed to a new ‘plastic-free’ city strategy, environmental criteria in the city’s UNESCO management plan, and green public procurement processes for cultural events. Meanwhile, inspired by Manchester, small groups of stakeholders delivered carbon literacy training to their own communities.

    Sustainable and integrated urban approach

    The focus of the practice is the adaptation, if not mitigation, to climate change with the inclusion of the Art sector: art as a means and as an end. As such, it covers many areas of the work of municipalities, from social to economy, via heritage and education.


    The work of the ULG (see below) has also ensure active cross-departmental approach within the administration.

    Participatory approach

    Environmental experts joined city hall staff and councillors involved in environmental policy, cultural events, venues and heritage in Mantova’s new URBACT Local Group (ULG) - a twist on the MAST model. They conducted a survey on environmental practice in local cultural venues and provided support such as training on sustainable events and an online tool to track audience travel impacts.


    Whilst encouraging the local group to be independent, the municipality took on two roles: as sector ambassadors, pushing for sustainable solutions for cultural events and venues; and as fundraisers, securing over EUR 50 000 for additional C-CHANGE activities in the first year.

    What difference has it made

    Mantua enjoyed a C-CHANGE season of COVID-adapted events in summer 2020, including: children’s workshops; an installation on greenhouse gas emissions; a photography exhibition; an amateur photography competition; and children’s radio programmes. These events also reduced their own environmental impact, for example Festival Letteratura rethought the food it serves to its volunteers, and Woodstock MusicAcustica reduced waste and energy use, even changing its name to the C-Change Carbon Free Acoustic Music Festival. 

    Transferring the practice

    Mantova enjoyed a C-CHANGE season of COVID-adapted events in summer 2020, including: children’s workshops; an installation on greenhouse gas emissions; a photography exhibition; an amateur photography competition; and children’s radio programmes. These events also reduced their own environmental impact, for example Festivalletteratura rethought the food it serves to its volunteers, and Woodstock MusicAcustica reduced waste and energy use, even changing its name to the C-Change Carbon Free Acoustic Music Festival.


    An “inspirational” trip to Manchester introduced Mantova to members of MAST. They discovered examples of climate awareness raising, from a live energy display in a studio lobby, to sustainable food-sourcing on menus, and Carbon Literacy certificates.


    Already looking beyond C-Change, the URBACT Local Group took on a new identity as ARC3A in summer 2020. ARC3A’s journey as a unifying force for supporting the crucial role the arts and culture sector has for improving climate resilience has only just begun.


    In addition, Mantova is now set to transfer its adaptation of the C-CHANGE Good Practice to up to seven more Italian cities, thanks to the 2021-2022 URBACT National Practice Transfer Initiative.

    Ref nid
  • Loulé After Lockdowns: a Focus on Active Lifestyles

    The European project Healthy Cities started in 2019, allowing our city of Loulé to continue the work developed during the Vital Cities - Make You Active project, but adding a very interesting topic of study, debate and analysis: the urban local.

    Caitlin Ball

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  • The road to COP26: climate change at the heart of URBACT cities of all sizes

    Towns and cities must boost local actions to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. Three URBACT cities show how…

    Marcelline Bonneau

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  • EURegionsWeek! Η Ευρωπαϊκή Εβδομάδα των Περιφερειών και των Πόλεων ξεκινά! Εγγραφείτε στα εργαστήρια!

    Η 19η Ευρωπαϊκή Εβδομάδα των Περιφερειών και των Πόλεων θα πραγματοποιηθεί διαδικτυακά από τις 11 έως τις 14 Οκτωβρίου 2021.


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